Accelerator Exp.: BSM
- Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University)
The recent observation of collider neutrinos and BSM searches for ALPs by the FASER collaboration highlights the potential the forward direction at the LHC has for neutrino physics and BSM studies. After briefly reviewing some of the FASER collaboration's recent results, I will present some of my own work on the phenomenological studies of the electromagnetic properties of neutrinos, namely...
There has been a surge of interest in hidden valley models with new, strong forces, sometimes called "dark QCD". These models propose asymmetric, composite dark matter in the form of "dark hadrons" that would evade direct and indirect bounds as well as typical collider DM searches for large missing transverse momentum accompanied by radiation. However, evidence of these models can still be...
Dark matter is thought to make up 25% of the universe. Dark sector particles (DSP) do not interact through the known forces but could be weakly coupled to Standard Model particles through a portal or a mediator. Many searches for dark matter/dark sector particles at an accelerator thus far seem to face a ceiling that the sensitivity reach is greatly limited, beyond statistical effects. DAMSA...