HL-LHC BGI Conceptual Design

865/2-C19 (CERN)



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    • 14:30 14:50
      Conceptual Design Overview and Status 20m
      Speaker: Clara Marie Fleisig (University of Toronto (CA))



      Clara, Gunn, Mark, William, Teresa, Chiara, Jean


      • Gunn gives introduction, mentions of Jira page, indico category etc...
      • Presentation by Clara starts
      • Project stakeholders and their interdependancy (change in one affects other part)
      • Basic considerations and goals for the conceptual design (William suggests these should come in functional spec document)
      • Design constrants: >0.6T B field, beam aperture 50mm (to be verified), high voltage, use free magnets from Dominique
      • Use 4Dphoton ceramic mount and standard circular CF flange
      • Virtual IPM simulation for different (flange) electrode size
      • Reccomened to use electrode size that fit inside a chamber with DN250CF flange.
      • Full assembly for CST/IPM simulations, weldable HV feedthrough, ceramic standoffs with concentric threads



      • Clara will handover her conceptual design to Teresa so that ML can start making the first version
      • ML asks electrode size and envelope, not the flange size. Chamber and flange will be decided by ML
      • ML asks XEI  to prepare "fucntional specification" document for the HL-LHC BGI
      • We agree that it is too late for prototype installation during YETS 2024-2025, rather possible in LS3. During LS3 we install a prototype and then go for production of all instruments if the prototype works. (Update: The HL-LHC budget is only available until LS3, after that no budget. So we have to produce and install all 4 instruments during LS3. Unfortunately prototype is not possible during YETS 2024-2025 but we have to do our best.)
      • Chirara will check with HiRadMat for LHC type beam to use in parasitic mode, put timepix 4 chip inside a drift tube, ask for ~1 week of beam
      • Another possibility is to stick the chip inside SPS beampipe and do a test (in the compensation magnet of the SPS BGI ?)
      • Mark suggested that we should get cathode as well installed just to get some signal and test the chip further, not just comunication to the chip. It is rather the 40MHz readout which is the same as LHC bunch frequency and puts in possible resonance, we are afraid the chip might not comunicate to readout electronics.
      • Ferrara university - maximiliano are placing order for larger number, Mark said he will talk to them soon in Medipix collaboration meeting. William will also follow up with them, especially to check the orientation of chip for aliging with beampipe (column/rows of pixel)
      • Gunn will forward the HL-LHC integration doc to ML that we got from Miguel Baeza
      • Chiara's concern is that the big tank will create an RF cavity for the beam, so no point in perfecting the chamber now as it will anyway be iterated by RF impedance.