- Ken Wyllie (CERN)
- Alex Kluge (CERN)
- Francois Vasey (CERN)
- Angelo Rivetti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Francois Vasey (CERN)
The UK was the first to have a National Quantum Technology Programme with the aim of building practical systems that use quantum superposition, entanglement or squeezing to produce new sensors and clocks with improved accuracy over present commercial systems. Many other countries have followed with their own quantum technology programmes either to build quantum computers or to develop quantum...
Driven by advancements in manufacturing technologies, microelectronics has evolved significantly beyond Moore's Law, now embracing "More than Moore".
This shift emphasizes heterogeneous integration and innovative packaging schemes to overcome challenges like interconnect bottlenecks.
3D integration has emerged as a crucial approach, combining miniaturization benefits with new flexibility in...
The growing interest on the use of CMOS circuitry for quantum computing and sensing is increasing the momentum of the R&D on cryogenic CMOS, unmistakably demonstrated by an almost tenfold increase on the number of related yearly publications since 2017, and creating new collaborative efforts between academia and industry partners on the optimisation of semiconductor technology and CMOS...