TWEPP 2024 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

from Monday, September 30, 2024 (9:00 AM) to Friday, October 4, 2024 (8:30 PM)
Grosvenor hotel

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Sep 30, 2024
Oct 1, 2024
Oct 2, 2024
Oct 3, 2024
Oct 4, 2024
9:00 AM
Registration (until 2:00 PM) ()
9:00 AM
ASIC - David Gascon (ICCUB) Marcus Julian French (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM ECON-D and ECON-T: Design and Production Testing - James Hoff (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ()
9:20 AM Functional Verification for Endcap Concentrator ASICs in the High-Granularity Calorimeter Upgrade of CMS - Matteo Lupi (CERN)   ()
9:40 AM An Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer for Flexible On-Chip Clock Generation - Soumyajit Mandal   ()
9:00 AM
Trigger and Timing Distribution - Sophie Baron (CERN) Andrea Boccardi (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM High-Precision Timing Distribution for the ATLAS Phase-II Central Trigger Upgrade - Filiberto Bonini (CERN) Alessandra Camplani (University of Copenhagen (DK))   ()
9:20 AM An FPGA-agnostic system for achieving picosecond-level phase determinism in timing distribution links for High Energy Physics Experiments - Edoardo Orzes   ()
9:40 AM Phase Stability Compliancy Testing of a White Rabbit Based Solution for the LHC RF and Timing Distribution Backbone Upgrade - Philippa Hazell (CERN)   ()
10:00 AM --- Break ---
10:30 AM
Invited - Ken Wyllie (CERN) (until 11:15 AM) ()
10:30 AM Quantum Technology for Sensing and Timing Applications - Prof. Douglas Paul (University of Glasgow)   ()
11:20 AM
ASIC - David Gascon (ICCUB) Marcus Julian French (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) (until 12:20 PM) ()
11:20 AM SOCRATES: a Radiation-Tolerant SoC Generator Framework - Marco Andorno (CERN)   ()
11:40 AM Event-Driven Readout Development: Testing of the EDWARD65P1 Chip with Integrated Event Generators - Dominik Gorni   ()
12:00 PM Design update and characterization of sub-10ps TDC ASIC in 28nm for future 4D trackers. - Julian Mendez (SLAC) Julian Maxime Mendez (CERN) Julian Mendez (SLAC)   ()
11:20 AM
Trigger and Timing Distribution - Sophie Baron (CERN) Andrea Boccardi (CERN) (until 12:20 PM) ()
11:20 AM System Design and Prototyping for the CMS Level-1 Trigger at the High-Luminosity LHC - Sioni Paris Summers (CERN)   ()
11:40 AM Firmware implementation of Phase-2 Overlap Muon Track Finder algorithm for CMS Level-1 trigger - Piotr Andrzej Fokow (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   ()
9:00 AM
ASIC - Angelo Rivetti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Christine Guo Hu (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM Development of the MOSAIX chip for the ALICE ITS3 upgrade - Pedro Vicente Leitao (CERN)   ()
9:20 AM Power distribution over the wafer-scale monolithic pixel detector - MOSAIX for ALICE ITS3 - Szymon Bugiel (CERN)   ()
9:40 AM Yield Characterisation and Failure Analysis of the Monolithic Stitched Sensor MOSS for ALICE ITS3 - Gregor Hieronymus Eberwein (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
9:00 AM
Power, Grounding and Shielding - Magnus Hansen (CERN) Hucheng Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM Next generation fully integrated DCDC converters for HEP applications in 28nm technology - Georgios Bantemits (CERN)   ()
9:20 AM Radiation and magnetic field qualification of LVPS – a unified 12 VDC power source for the CMS detector. - Werner Lustermann (ETH Zurich (CH))   ()
9:40 AM Optimized Rad-Hard DC/DC Converters for HEP Applications - Dr Nils van der Blij   ()
10:00 AM --- Break ---
10:30 AM
Invited - Francois Vasey (CERN) (until 11:15 AM) ()
10:30 AM In the 70 years of CERN, how has particle physics electronics evolved? - Geoff Hall   ()
11:20 AM
ASIC - Marcus Julian French (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Ping Gui (Southern Methodist University (US)) (until 12:20 PM) ()
11:20 AM Investigation of non-idealities of pulsing circuitry in the MOSS monolithic sensor - Simone Emiliani (CERN)   ()
11:40 AM Design and characterization of the monolithic ASIC for the pre-shower upgrade of the FASER experiment - Carlo Alberto Fenoglio   ()
12:00 PM RD50-MPW4: A thin backside-biased High Voltage CMOS pixel chip for high radiation tolerance - Eva Vilella Figueras (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
11:20 AM
Radiation-Tolerant Components and Systems - Cristina Fernandez Bedoya (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES)) Giovanna Lehmann Miotto (CERN) (until 12:20 PM) ()
11:20 AM CMS ECAL on-detector readout electronics radiation tests - Nico Härringer (ETH Zurich (CH))   ()
11:40 AM Rad-Hard Readout System for Timepix3 Hybrid Pixel Detectors - Gabriela Cabrera Castellano (CERN)   ()
12:00 PM RadMon: a versatile, integrated radiation monitoring system for accelerators and experiments electronics at CERN - Salvatore Fiore (CERN)   ()
9:00 AM
ASIC - Christine Guo Hu (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Angelo Rivetti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM HKROC: an integrated readout chip designed to facilitate the readout of a large number of photomultiplier tubes for the next generation of neutrino experiments - Selma Conforti Di Lorenzo (OMEGA (FR))   ()
9:20 AM Implementation and performance of ALTIROC3 readout ASIC for ATLAS HGTD timing detector - Alexandre Pierre Soulier (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR))   ()
9:40 AM Cleopatra : A 12-Channel Recycling Integrator ASIC for the Readout of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Detectors in Radiotherapy Dosimetry - Giovanni Mazza (INFN sez. di Torino)   ()
9:00 AM
System Design, Description and Operation - Alex Kluge (CERN) Giovanna Lehmann Miotto (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM HGCAL SiPM-on-Tile Full-Stack Integration with the Serenity-S Phase-2 DAQ Hardware - Fabian Hummer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   ()
9:20 AM High-Voltage studies for the new GE1/1 GEM Station in the CMS Experiment - Carlo Di Fraia (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))   ()
9:40 AM Performance of the CMS GE1/1 system at LHC Run-3 and prospects of the future ME0 system - Gilles De Lentdecker (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   ()
10:00 AM --- Break ---
10:30 AM
Invited - Angelo Rivetti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) (until 11:15 AM) ()
10:30 AM Redefining electronic boundaries with 3D integration and advanced packaging - Perceval COUDRAIN (CEA/LETI)   ()
11:20 AM
ASIC - Christine Guo Hu (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Angelo Rivetti (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) (until 12:20 PM) ()
11:20 AM UKRI-MPW1: an HV-CMOS pixel sensor for high radiation tolerance - Chenfan Zhang (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
11:40 AM The Energy Measurement ASIC for the Upgrade II in the LHCb Calorimeter Detector - Mr Alberto López (ICCUB)   ()
12:00 PM A Wide-Temperature-Range SAR ADC in Open-Source CMOS Technology - Soumyajit Mandal   ()
11:20 AM
System Design, Description and Operation - Giovanna Lehmann Miotto (CERN) Hucheng Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) (until 12:20 PM) ()
11:20 AM DAMIC-M electronics system, status and first results. - Lounes IDDIR (LPNHE)   ()
11:40 AM Electrical measurement and read-out performance of a realistic, full-scale system bench of CMS Inner Tracker Barrel for HL-LHC - Giulio Bardelli (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))   ()
12:00 PM The services chain for the upgrade of the Inner Tracker Pixel detector of the ATLAS experiment – full services from pixel modules to optical readout for the Outer Barrel sub-system - Angelos Zografos (CERN)   ()
9:00 AM
Packaging and Interconnects - Magnus Hansen (CERN) Ken Wyllie (CERN) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM 3D Integration of Pixel Readout Chips using Through-Silicon-Vias - Francisco Piernas Diaz   ()
9:20 AM Development of a novel low-mass module flex PCB using nano-wire-based flip-chip interconnection - Julian Weick (CERN)   ()
9:40 AM Design, Production and Testing of ATLAS ITk Strip Bus Tapes - Anthony Weidberg (University of Oxford (GB))   ()
9:00 AM
Production, Testing and Reliability - Francois Vasey (CERN) Hucheng Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) (until 10:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM Performance tests and hardware qualification of the FEBs for the novel Super-Fine Grained Detector of T2K Phase II - Lorenzo Giannessi (Universite de Geneve (CH))   ()
9:20 AM Hybrids pre-production results for the CMS Outer Tracker Phase-2 Upgrade - Georges Blanchot (CERN)   ()
9:40 AM Insights gained from test system preparation for the hybrids production for the CMS Outer Tracker Phase-2 Upgrade. - Mr Patryk Szydlik (CERN)   ()
10:00 AM --- Break ---
10:30 AM
Module, PCB and Component Design -Prof. Johan Alme (University of Bergen (NO)) Ken Wyllie (CERN) (until 11:10 AM) ()
10:30 AM Design and Implementation of a Compact Analog Constant Fraction Discriminator for High-Resolution Timing in Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy - Michael Wiebusch (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionerforschung GmbH)   ()
10:50 AM KALYPSO LGAD - A MHz repetition rate line camera based on trench isolated low gain avalanche detector - Meghana Patil (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   ()
10:30 AM
Production, Testing and Reliability - Francois Vasey (CERN) Hucheng Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) (until 11:10 AM) ()
10:30 AM Characterization of Pre-Production Petals for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Strip Detector - Dr Matthew Basso (TRIUMF (CA))   ()
10:50 AM Production of flex circuits for the ATLAS ITk Pixel Outer Barrel - Francesco Costanza (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
11:10 AM
Closing (until 11:30 AM) ()
11:30 AM --- Break ---
2:00 PM
Opening (until 3:20 PM) ()
2:00 PM Introduction - Alex Kluge (CERN)   ()
2:20 PM Welcome to Glasgow - Dr Dima Maneuski (University of Glasgow (GB)) Dr Richard Bates (University of Glasgow (GB))   ()
2:40 PM History of Physics in Glasgow University - Kenway Smith (University of Glasgow)   ()
3:20 PM --- Coffee break ---
3:50 PM
Opening (until 5:40 PM) ()
3:50 PM Particle physics to neurology - Prof. Keith Metheson   ()
4:30 PM History of accelerators in Glasgow - Prof. Dino Jaroszynski   ()
5:10 PM Gravitational waves - Giles Hammond   ()
6:30 PM --- Reception and welcome drink ---
12:20 PM --- Break ---
2:00 PM
ASIC - David Gascon (ICCUB) Ping Gui (Southern Methodist University (US)) (until 3:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM FAST3 asic: front-end electronic with ps resolution, designed for thin LGADs read-out - Marco Ferrero (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
2:20 PM The testing and performance of the ETROC2 for CMS MTD Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) upgrade - Tiehui Ted Liu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Tiehui Ted Liu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ()
2:40 PM First results on the Ignite-0 test ASIC in CMOS 28-nm technology - Gian Matteo Cossu (INFN, Cagliari (IT))   ()
2:00 PM
Trigger and Timing Distribution - Sophie Baron (CERN) Cristina Fernandez Bedoya (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES)) (until 3:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM FPGA implementation of the HL-LHC CMS Drift Tubes Level-1 Trigger Algorithm - Alvaro Navarro Tobar (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES))   ()
2:20 PM Triggering on muon showers in the Barrel Muon Trigger of the CMS experiment for the HL-LHC upgrades - Javier Prado Pico (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))   ()
2:40 PM Design and deployment of a fast neural network for measuring the properties of muons originating from displaced vertices in the CMS Endcap Muon Track Finder - Patrick Kelling (Rice University (US))   ()
3:00 PM --- Break ---
3:30 PM
Invited - Alex Kluge (CERN) (until 4:15 PM) ()
3:30 PM Future collider concepts to reach the high energy frontier - Edda Gschwendtner (CERN)   ()
4:20 PM
ASIC - Ping Gui (Southern Methodist University (US)) David Gascon (ICCUB) (until 4:40 PM) ()
4:20 PM Design of 28nm readout ASIC prototype for 3D-integrated LGAD sensors - Bojan Markovic (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   ()
4:20 PM
Trigger and Timing Distribution - Sophie Baron (CERN) Cristina Fernandez Bedoya (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES)) (until 4:40 PM) ()
4:20 PM The APx Board for the CMS Phase 2 L1 Calorimeter trigger: Testing and Performance - Isobel Ojalvo (Princeton University (US))   ()
4:40 PM
Tuesday posters session (until 6:00 PM) ()
4:40 PM FPGA Emulation of the Digital Readout of a HV-CMOS sensor chip: MightyPix for LHCb Upgrade II - Ayushi Khatri (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
5:00 PM Back-end DAQ system prototype testing and integration on a full detector test system for the CMS HGCAL detector - Martim Rosado (Universidade de Lisboa (PT))   ()
5:20 PM Optimisation and Validation of Power Delivery Networks for Multi-Gigabit Data Links - Francesco Martina (CERN)   ()
5:40 PM A Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor with a Novel Readout Architecture for Vertex Detector in particle physics Experiments - Wenjie Dai   ()
5:40 PM A multi-Hough-based displaced vertex track trigger for the Belle II Experiment - Kai Lukas Unger   ()
5:40 PM A ring-oscillator-based 5.2 ps bin-size timing circuit for time measurement applications in high-energy physics experiments - Xiaoting Li (IHEP)   ()
5:40 PM A test bench for the qualification of the GRAiNITA prototype - Magali Magne (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR))   ()
5:40 PM A Time-over-Threshold asynchronous front-end in 28 nm CMOS for the readout of pixel detectors in extreme radiation environments - Luigi GAIONI (University of Bergamo and INFN (IT))   ()
5:40 PM Advancements in 28nm CMOS Radiation Hardened IP for Particle Physics Experiments - Stephen Bell (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Oliver Bowett Thomas Charles Gardiner (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))   ()
5:40 PM CompactPCI-Serial Hardware Toolbox - Advancements towards Cost Effectiveness - Mr Mathias Gloor (Paul Scherrer Institut)   ()
5:40 PM CosmoLink: Portable Coincidence Detector for On-Site Muon Flux Measurement - Yuvaraj Elangovan (University of Pittsburgh (US))   ()
5:40 PM Data transmission performance and characterization of TEPX disks of Phase-2 CMS Inner Tracker - Filip Bilandzija (University of Zurich (CH))   ()
5:40 PM Design and implementation of the timing and synchronization system for JUNO-TAO detector - Jie Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS))   ()
5:40 PM Development of Low Temperature Electronics for LAr-TPC - Ayumi Morita (Iwate University)   ()
5:40 PM Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Off-detector Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC - Markus Helbig (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))   ()
5:40 PM Development of the Time-to-Digital Converter in 130 nm CMOS technology - Marek Idzik (AGH University of Krakow (PL)) Miroslaw Firlej (AGH University of Krakow (PL))   ()
5:40 PM EICROC: an ASIC to read-out AC-LGAD sensors for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) - Mr Adrien Verplancke (OMEGA-CNRS)   ()
5:40 PM EMCI-EMP: Developments and Experience with the Novel Detector Control Solution - Dominic Ecker (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))   ()
5:40 PM Environmental stress screening of the CMS ECAL Barrel VFE and LVR cards - Nikola Rasevic   ()
5:40 PM Evaluation of efficiency, radiation hardness, and timing performance of the Analogue Pixel Test Structure for ALICE ITS3 - Jian Liu (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
5:40 PM Evolution of the data aggregation concepts for STS readout in CBM Experiment - Dr Wojciech Zabolotny (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) Dr Wojciech Zabolotny (Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems)   ()
5:40 PM Experiences and Lessons Learned from the End-of-Substructure card production of the ATLAS ITk Strip Upgrade - Lukas Bauckhage (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
5:40 PM First results of an evaluation of 100Gb/s Ethernet as a future HEP readout link - Valentin Stumpert (CERN, KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   ()
5:40 PM High-Speed Data Transmission IP’s in 65nm CMOS Image Sensor Process at the Electron Ion Collider - William Ian Helsby (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))   ()
5:40 PM HPSoC: A very high Channel Density Waveform Digitizer with sub-10ps resolution - front end design and measurements - Dr Isar Mostafanezhad (Nalu Scientific, LLC)   ()
5:40 PM Irradiation test for BETSEE at CSNS for ATLAs ITk strip upgrade - Yan Zhou (Tsinghua University (CN))   ()
5:40 PM ITk Pixel System Test of the ATLAS Experiment - Yahya KHWAIRA   ()
5:40 PM On-detector power distribution for CMS-HGCAL: a busbar-based approach - Pablo Daniel Antoszczuk (CERN)   ()
5:40 PM Particam: A fully digital sensor for sub micron resolution - Jan Hammerich (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
5:40 PM Picosecond timing performances of the FERS time unit - Dr Ferdinando Giordano   ()
5:40 PM Pixel detector hybridization with anisotropic conductive adhesives - Dr Ahmet Lale   ()
5:40 PM Prototype design of the readout electronics for NνDEx-100 experiment - Kai Chen (Central China Normal University) dou zhu (ccnu)   ()
5:40 PM Radiation-Hard Smart-Pixel Detector ASIC ReadOut with Digital AI in 28nm - Benjamin Parpillon (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   ()
5:40 PM Reliability Tests of the SFP+ Transceivers and the TGC Readout Board for the ATLAS Experiment at HL-LHC - Daisuke Hashimoto (Nagoya University (JP))   ()
5:40 PM Spatial resolution performance of 65 nm CMOS MAPS with analogue output for the ALICE ITS3 upgrade - Riccardo Ricci (Universita e INFN, Salerno (IT))   ()
5:40 PM Technical challenges and performance of the new ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Trigger - Adriana Milic (CERN)   ()
5:40 PM Testing of the Prototype CMS Global Level-1 Trigger for Phase-2 - Hannes Sakulin (CERN)   ()
5:40 PM The ATLASPix3.1 CMOS Pixel Sensor Performance - Riccardo Zanzottera (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)) Fuat Ustuner (The University of Edinburgh (GB))   ()
5:40 PM The DAQ software for ATLAS Inner Pixel Tracker system testing for HL-LHC - Angira Rastogi (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   ()
5:40 PM Topmetal-CEE: a pixel sensor for the readout of GEM detectors for high-rate particle tracking - Hulin Wang (Central China Normal University)   ()
6:00 PM --- Social activity ---
12:20 PM --- Break ---
2:00 PM
Module, PCB and Component Design - Ken Wyllie (CERN) Prof. Johan Alme (University of Bergen (NO)) (until 3:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM Design, Construction, and Testing of the APOLLO ATCA Blades for Use at the HL-LHC - Alexander Madorsky (Boston University (US)) Dr Rui Zou (Cornell University (US)) Zeynep Demiragli (Boston University (US)) Jonathan Fulcher (Boston University (US))   ()
2:20 PM Phase-2 CMS DAQ -- Growing from prototype boards to demonstrator systems - Jeroen Hegeman (CERN)   ()
2:40 PM Technical challenges designing a prototype common readout board for LHCb future upgrades - Julien Jiro Langouët (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)   ()
2:00 PM
Programmable Logic, Design and Verification Tools and Methods - Andrea Boccardi (CERN) Cristina Fernandez Bedoya (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES)) (until 3:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM Development of methodology and implementation of SoC-based compact single-board validation system for the ATLAS Phase-II level-0 muon trigger system - Yoshifumi Narukawa (University of Tokyo (JP))   ()
2:20 PM A Low-Cost, Low-Power Media Converter Solution for Next-Generation Detector Readout Systems - Alberto Perro (Universite d'Aix-Marseille III (FR))   ()
2:40 PM Mitigating Multiple Single-Event Upsets During Deep Neural Network Inference using Fault-Aware Training - Mr Toon Vinck (KU Leuven)   ()
3:00 PM --- Break ---
3:30 PM
Module, PCB and Component Design -Prof. Johan Alme (University of Bergen (NO)) Ken Wyllie (CERN) (until 4:10 PM) ()
3:30 PM Development of readout electronics for a high-speed event-driven neutron imaging detector based on Timepix4 - Qicai Li (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
3:50 PM Design, test and performance of a PicoTDC based board - Davide Falchieri (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   ()
3:30 PM
Programmable Logic, Design and Verification Tools and Methods - Andrea Boccardi (CERN) Cristina Fernandez Bedoya (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES)) (until 4:10 PM) ()
3:30 PM Applications of PixESL framework on pixel detectors for High Energy Physics experiments - Jashandeep Dhaliwal (CERN)   ()
3:50 PM Improvements for the implementation of RDMA on FPGA devices - Matei Vasile (IFIN-HH (RO))   ()
4:20 PM
Micro electronics Users Group - Kostas Kloukinas (CERN) (until 6:30 PM) ()
4:20 PM Welcome - Kostas Kloukinas (CERN)   ()
4:30 PM CERN ASIC support and Foundry services news - Alessandro Caratelli (CERN)   ()
5:00 PM Optimizing ESD Protection for Thin-Oxide Transistors in the Latest Semiconductor Processes - Wouter Faelens (SOFICS)   ()
5:30 PM EUROPRACTICE IC services and foundry news - Paul Malisse (IMEC)   ()
5:55 PM EUROPRACTICE EDA tools for the HEP community - Mark Willoughby   ()
6:20 PM Wrap Up   ()
4:20 PM
Opto Users Group and FPGA Users Group - Ken Wyllie (CERN) Francois Vasey (CERN) (until 6:30 PM) ()
4:20 PM VTRx+ status and Plans - Csaba Soos (CERN) Carmelo Scarcella (CERN)   ()
4:35 PM VL+ patchcords and cables - Jorge Rodriguez Fernandez (CERN)   ()
4:50 PM CERN-B Firefly, new pigtail options and useful configuration tips - Jan Troska (CERN)   ()
5:05 PM 25G Firefly issues and solutions - Kevin Burt   ()
5:30 PM A digest of the recent FPGA Developers Forum - Filiberto Bonini (CERN)   ()
5:50 PM COLIBRI: An Open Source, Vendor Agnostic VHDL Common Library - Alberto Perro (Universite d'Aix-Marseille III (FR))   ()
7:00 PM --- Conference dinner ---
12:20 PM --- Break ---
2:00 PM
Optoelectronics and Electrical Data Links - Sophie Baron (CERN) Francois Vasey (CERN) (until 3:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM Silicon photonic components on the COTTONTAIL chip - Dr Marc Schneider (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   ()
2:20 PM Silicon Photonics Circuits for the optical readout of CERN detectors - Carmelo Scarcella (CERN)   ()
2:40 PM Ionizing Radiation Damage in Silicon Photonic Ring Modulators and Silicon-Germanium Electro-Absorption Modulators - Dr Simone Cammarata (INFN Pisa & Istituto di Intelligenza Meccanica - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna & Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Università di Pisa)   ()
2:00 PM
System Design, Description and Operation - Giovanna Lehmann Miotto (CERN) Prof. Johan Alme (University of Bergen (NO)) (until 3:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM Readout Electronics for Neutron Detectors at CSNS and CSNS-II: Challenges, Solutions, and Progress - Hongbin Liu   ()
2:20 PM Advancing Space Telescope Capabilities: SiPM-based UV-Light Detection for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays - Valentina Scotti   ()
2:40 PM Readout Electronics for dN/dx Measurement of the Drift Chamber for CEPC R&D - Hongbin Liu   ()
3:00 PM --- Break ---
3:30 PM
Invited - Francois Vasey (CERN) (until 4:15 PM) ()
3:30 PM An outlook to the development of cryogenic CMOS electronics for particle physics - Manuel Rolo (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
4:20 PM
Optoelectronics and Electrical Data Links - Francois Vasey (CERN) Sophie Baron (CERN) (until 4:40 PM) ()
4:20 PM CWDM-based radiation-tolerant high-speed optical links - Antonio Cristiano   ()
4:20 PM
System Design, Description and Operation - Alex Kluge (CERN) Prof. Johan Alme (University of Bergen (NO)) (until 4:40 PM) ()
4:20 PM Prototype of SiC beam monitor for the COMET experiment at J-PARC - Tetsuichi Kishishita (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   ()
4:40 PM
Thursday posters session (until 6:00 PM) ()
4:40 PM Production Testing of the COLUTA ADC ASIC for the ATLAS HL-LHC Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout - Devanshu Kiran Panchal (University of Texas at Austin (US))   ()
5:00 PM Development of ASIC for CoRDIA, a future camera for pioneering x-ray sources - Dr Alexander Klujev (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)   ()
5:20 PM Verification Methodology for OBELIX, the monolithic active pixel sensor for the proposed upgrade of the Belle II vertex detector at SuperKEKB - Dr Luca Federici (CNRS-IPHC Strasbourg) Luca FEDERICI (IPHC)   ()
5:40 PM A 14bit 100 MS/s Two-Step Split SAR ADC using low-power high-linearity RA without any internal phase compensation and in-stage redundancy technology - Ping Yang   ()
5:40 PM A novel feedback circuit for analogue time walk compensation - Jan Hammerich (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
5:40 PM An ASIC for ToF-PET application with MCP-PMTs - Xiongbo Yan (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)   ()
5:40 PM An FPGA-based Data Aggregator for the New ATLAS DCS System - Ahmed Qamesh (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))   ()
5:40 PM Charge Collection Properties of a CMOS Sensor Produced in a 55 nm Process - Kai Chen   ()
5:40 PM CPROC, a RISC-V processor demonstrator for monitoring and data processing in HEP - Mr Abdelmowafak El Berni (OMEGA (FR))   ()
5:40 PM Design of a 12-Bit SAR-ADC for Charge Integrating Pixel Detectors - Patrick Sieberer (Paul Scherrer Institut PSI)   ()
5:40 PM Design of hardware interfaces for the LHC Phase-2 CMS ECAL Barrel Safety System - Lazar Cokic (CERN)   ()
5:40 PM Design of the OBELIX monolithic CMOS pixel sensor for an upgrade of the Belle II vertex detector - Roua BOUDAGGA   ()
5:40 PM Development of a 10–bit ultra-low power SAR ADC with internal threshold in 130 nm CMOS technology - Mr Patryk Prus (AGH University of Krakow)   ()
5:40 PM Development of a Test System for Data Links of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) Upgrade Silicon Pixel Detector - Fuat Ustuner (The University of Edinburgh (GB)) Austin Mullins (Southern Methodist University (US))   ()
5:40 PM Development of high-speed serializer transmitters in 180 nm technology for CEPC vertex detector readout electronics - Xiaoting Li (IHEP)   ()
5:40 PM Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter On-detector Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC - Devanshu Kiran Panchal (University of Texas at Austin (US))   ()
5:40 PM Development of the firmware logic validation system using the FPGA accelerator - Ryugo Mizuhiki (Kobe University (JP))   ()
5:40 PM Ensuring Clock Phase Repeatability by Preventing Loss of the 40.078 MHz Clock in Time-Critical Detectors: A Non-disruptive Clock Switching Approach - Nikitas Loukas (University of Notre Dame (US))   ()
5:40 PM Failure analysis and lessons learned on crate and power supply equipment - Sylvain Mico (CERN)   ()
5:40 PM Feature Extraction on the TRD readout FPGA with HLS in the mCBM Experiment - David Schledt   ()
5:40 PM FELIX Phase-II, the ATLAS readout system for LHC Run 4 - Melvin Leguijt (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   ()
5:40 PM FLAXE, a SoC readout ASIC for electromagnetic calorimeter at LUXE experiment - Jakub Moron (AGH University of Krakow (PL))   ()
5:40 PM Flexible PCBs for modern chip integration at FBK: ALPIDE chip as case study - Alessandro Lega (INFN)   ()
5:40 PM High voltage monolithic pixel sensor in 55 nm technology - Hui Zhang   ()
5:40 PM High-Voltage studies for the new GE1/1 GEM Station in the CMS Experiment - Carlo Di Fraia (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))   ()
5:40 PM Latency-deterministic data and clock forwarding for scalable timing distribution - Vladimir Sidorenko   ()
5:40 PM Low-latency hardware trigger for muons in the barrel region of the ATLAS experiment at the high-luminosity LHC - Federico Morodei (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) Alessandra Camplani (University of Copenhagen (DK))   ()
5:40 PM Machine Learning for Real-Time Processing of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Signals with FPGAs - Johann Christoph Voigt (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))   ()
5:40 PM Mini-CACTUS-V2, a Timing Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Sendor for High Energy Physics - Yujing Gan   ()
5:40 PM Module Quality Assurance for the CMS Outer Tracker Phase-2 Upgrade - Ali Khalilzadeh (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   ()
5:40 PM Performance of the DAQ system of the PANDA Micro-Vertex Detector - Olena Manzhura   ()
5:40 PM Pileup Mitigation in Hadron Forward Calorimeter at the Level-1 Trigger of the CMS experiment for the HL-LHC - Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))   ()
5:40 PM PLL and TDC in TSMC 65nm for FastIC+ Chip - Joan Mauricio (ICCUB)   ()
5:40 PM Research on Monitoring Circuit for Beam Spot Position Based on Diamond Detectors - Kai Wang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)   ()
5:40 PM Reusable Verification Components for High-Energy Physics readout ASICs - Matteo Lupi (CERN)   ()
5:40 PM Single event effect in HCC ASICs for ITk strip upgrade - Mr Shaogang Peng (Tsinghua University (CN))   ()
5:40 PM Small prototype of an asynchronous versatile readout - Jean Soudier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) Frederic Morel (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   ()
5:40 PM Status and Challenges of the ATLAS ITk Strip Tracker Powerboard Production for the End-Cap - Roland Koppenhöfer (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   ()
5:40 PM Tests of the Prototype Peripheral Electronics Board for the High Granularity Timing Detector - Jie Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS))   ()
5:40 PM The GAROP-2, a Radiation-Hard ASIC for Particle Beam Monitor Readout of the COMET Experiment - Xiangyu Xu (the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)   ()
5:40 PM The high-speed opto-electrical conversion system for the readout of the ATLAS ITk Pixel upgrade - Lucas Mollier (Universitaet Bern (CH))   ()
5:40 PM The Prototype of the Peripheral Electronics Board - a Component of the HGTD In-detector Electronics for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade - Jie Zhang (Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS))   ()
5:40 PM Timing and charge measurement of glass RPC detector with CO2 based gas mixtures - Dr Aman Phogat (Hansraj College, University of Delhi)   ()
5:40 PM Total Ionizing Dose (TID) damage assessment on LVDS receivers for the ATLAS muon barrel spectrometer readout system - Dr Pierluigi Casolaro (Universita Federico II e INFN Sezione di Napoli (IT))   ()
5:40 PM Upgrade of the CMS Drift Tube electronics for the High Luminosity LHC - Ignacio Redondo Fernandez (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES)) Muhammad Bilal Kiani (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
6:30 PM --- Reception and visit ---
8:30 PM --- Committee dinner ---
2:00 PM
Tutorial (until 5:00 PM) ()