1–4 Jul 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Reading RNTuple data with Uproot

2 Jul 2024, 14:30
"Standard talk" Plenary Session Tuesday


Andres Rios-Tascon (Princeton University)


RNTuple is an upcoming columnar data storage format with a variety of improvements over TTree. It is available as an experimental feature in the latest versions of ROOT, and a stable version is expected in the not-so-distant future. The Uproot Python library has kept up changes in the RNTuple specification and currently supports reading most RNTuple files. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the RNTuple format and its benefits, demonstrate how to use the Uproot library to read RNTuple data, and discuss current capabilities, limitations, and future work that will be done to support as much of the RNTuple specification as possible.


Andres Rios-Tascon (Princeton University)

Presentation materials