Aug 26 – 30, 2024
Aachen, Germany
Europe/Brussels timezone is an in-person, informal workshop for developers of Python software in HEP to plan a coherent roadmap and make priorities for the upcoming year. It complements the PyHEP Users online workshop, which is intended for both developers and physicists.

Both PyHEP workshops are supported by the HEP Software Foundation (HSF). Further information is on the PyHEP Working Group website.

The agenda will consist of morning kick-off talks and afternoon discussions, in which the discussion groups and topics are self-assigned. Pre-workshop organization is happening here, via GitHub Issues.

You are encouraged to register to the PyHEP WG Gitter channel and/or to the HSF forum to receive further information concerning the organisation of the workshop. Workshop updates and information will also be shared on the workshop Twitter in addition to email. Follow the workshop at @PyHEPConf.

Organising Committee

Eduardo Rodrigues - University of Liverpool (Chair)
Jim Pivarski - Princeton University
Nikolai Hartmann - Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Matthew Feickert - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Local Organising Committee

Peter Fackeldey - RWTH Aachen University & ErUM-Data-Hub
Angela Warkentin - ErUM-Data-Hub

The workshop is sponsored by, and organized in cooperation with, the ErUM-Data-Hub. The ErUM-Data-Hub is the central networking and transfer office for digital transformation in research on universe and matter in Germany and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


This event is also kindly sponsored by the Python Software Foundation.

Aachen, Germany
Erholungs-Gesellschaft Reihstraße 13, 52062 Aachen
Go to map
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.