MWAPP meeting

Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB)), Ulrik Egede (Monash University (AU))

Meeting to discuss collaboration within the Monash Warwick Alliance in Particle Physics (MWAPP)

Zoom Meeting ID
Timothy Gershon
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    • 08:00 08:10
      Introduction and news 10m
      Speakers: Timothy Gershon (University of Warwick (GB)), Ulrik Egede (Monash University (AU))
    • 08:10 08:30
      Progress on EvtGen and Pythia developments 20m
      Speaker: Dr Fernando Abudinén (University of Warwick (GB))
    • 08:30 08:50
      Update on MCplots 20m
      Speaker: Natalia Korneeva (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (RU))
    • 08:50 09:10
      Proposed method to share measurements using surrogate data 20m
      Speaker: Riley Henderson (Monash University (AU))
    • 09:10 09:30
      TORCH status 20m
      Speaker: Eliot Jane Walton (Monash University (AU))
    • 09:30 09:40
      Lab set-up at Monash 10m
      Speaker: Sam Michael Dekkers (Monash University (AU))
    • 09:40 10:00
      Brief reports by other MWAPP funded group members 20m

      Fernando, Yuki, Jake, Riley, Alex, Eliot, Matthew