10:40 AM
Ultrasonic welding technology for future Straw Trackers and performance studies of small-size tracker prototypes
Katerina Kuznetsova
11:00 AM
High-Granularity Timing Hodoscopes for the AMBER Experiment
Karl Eichhorn
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
11:10 AM
Establishment of the Electron Identification System for Vector meson Measurement at J-PARC
Satomi Nakasuga
11:10 AM
Design, prototyping and test of a Highly Compact and Granular Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the LUXE experiment.
Melissa Almanza Soto
11:10 AM
Xenoscope, a full-scale vertical demonstrator for the XLZD observatory.
Paloma Cimental Chavez
11:10 AM
Innovative Detection System for Rapid 3D Radiation Dose Mapping with Printed Plastic Scintillators
Bartosz Mindur
(AGH University of Krakow (PL))
11:10 AM
Minimal material, maximum coverage: Silicon Tracking System for high-occupancy conditions
Maksym Teklishyn
11:10 AM
Development of a Floating Strip Micromegas Detector for a Clinical Proton Computed Tomography System
Max Meurer
11:10 AM
Defect investigation in irradiated ATLAS18 ITk Strip Sensors using transient spectroscopy techniques
Christoph Thomas Klein
(Carleton University (CA))
11:10 AM
The Stabilized Voltage Divider – A Rate-Capable HV-Scheme for GEMs
Jakob Krauss
(University of Bonn)
11:10 AM
Picosec R&D towards Muon Collider applications
Matteo Brunoldi
(Pavia University and INFN (IT))
11:10 AM
Vertex Reconstruction for Studying Antiproton-Nucleus Annihilations
Viktoria Kraxberger
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
11:10 AM
Sub-kelvin electron detectors for the LEMING muonium gravity experiment
Damian Goeldi
(ETH Zurich)
11:10 AM
3D microbeam characterization of large-area silicon carbide detectors
Alessandro Spatafora
(INFN-LNS & Università di Catania)
11:10 AM
Design of a new 2D amorphous Silicon-based detector for Particle Therapy
Khalil El Achi
11:10 AM
On-chip digitization to improve the frame rate of the JUNGFRAU charge-integrating X-ray pixel detector
Patrick Sieberer
(Paul Scherrer Institut PSI)
11:10 AM
Constellation - a flexible DAQ and control system for test beam environments
Stephan Lachnit
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
11:10 AM
Beam test characterization of an irradiated pixel-strip module for the HL-LHC CMS tracker upgrade.
Iqra Sohail
(National Centre for Physics (PK))
11:10 AM
Silicon pad detector with large effective area for SHE experiments
Mirei Takeyama
(Yamagata University)
11:10 AM
The GEMμ-RWELL for ePIC Endcap Tracking
Elena Sidoretti
(INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
11:10 AM
The micro-Resistive WELL for the LHCb Muon stations upgrades
Giovanni Bencivenni
(INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
11:10 AM
A New Stress-Relieving Layer in ATLAS ITk Strip Detector Modules
Anne Fortman
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
11:10 AM
Investigating muography for nuclear waste characterization with Micromegas detectors
Raphaël Bajou
11:10 AM
Precise time and energy measurement with a homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeter
Marko Kovac
(University of Split Faculty of Science (HR))
11:10 AM
Pileup Mitigation in High Rate Spectroscopy using the Deconvolution Method
Matthias Knopf
11:10 AM
Enhancing guard-ring protection structures for the next generation of radiation-hard thin silicon particle detectors
Tommaso Croci
11:10 AM
Development of an imaging detector to reduce the long-lived spallation background in the KamLAND2-Zen experiment
Daiki Morita
(Graduate school of science and faculty of science, Tohoku University)
11:10 AM
Design of IMPix-S3, a pixel readout sensor for future gaseous detector at HIAF
hong yuan
11:10 AM
Dead-time Free Broadband Spectrometer for Wavy Dark Matter Search - dSpec
Hiroki Takeuchi
(Kyoto University)
11:10 AM
Design of a novel scintillating fibers tracker for the muEDM experiment
Antoine Venturini
11:10 AM
Performance Review of the Prototype SiC Muon Beam Monitor for COMET Experiment
Kenya Okabe
11:10 AM
Development and Performance Evaluation of Readout Systems for Belle II ARICH Upgrade
Shunsuke Kurokawa
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
11:10 AM
OBELIX: A DMAPS chip for the Belle II VTX Upgrade
Maximilian Babeluk
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
11:10 AM
Performance of the LHCb Scintillating Fibre Tracker in Run 3
Lukas Witola
(Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
11:10 AM
Hexagonal vs. Quadratic 3D Pixel Architectures: Optimizing Silicon Sensors for Future Colliders by utilizing the Three-Dimensional Mapping of Timing Resolution
Gordana Lastovicka Medin
(University of Montenegro (ME))
11:10 AM
Design, Development and Testing of 60 GHz Wireless Links for ATLAS Detector Data Readout
Imran Aziz
11:10 AM
IO Information-Based Component Relevance Estimation in a Mixed-Signal ASIC Analog Circuit
Julian Weick
11:10 AM
Development of Amplifier Shaper Discriminator Chips for Gaseous Ionization Detectors at Future Collider Experiments
Oliver Kortner
(Max Planck Society (DE))
11:10 AM
3D silicon sensors with columnar shaped electrode geometry for fast timing tracking detectors
Angelo Loi
(Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
11:10 AM
Charge carrier generation in RNDR-DePFET Detectors
Niels Wernicke
11:10 AM
R&D of Power Over Fiber in harsh environments and its novel application for the DUNE FD-VD Photon Detection System
David Martinez Caicedo
(South Dakota School of Mines and Technology)
11:10 AM
A low power monolithic active pixel sensor prototype for the STCF Inner tracker
Dongwei Xuan
(University of Science and Technology of China)
11:10 AM
Time of flight plastic-scintillator based proton radiography
(University of Pisa, Department of Physics and INFN Pisa)
11:10 AM
Development of new large area Micromegas detector and accompanying ToRA ASIC-based readout electronics for AMBER experiment at CERN
Chiara Alice
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
11:10 AM
R&D on Noble Liquid Calorimeter for FCC-ee
Martina Maria Koppitz
(Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
11:10 AM
The design and evaluation tests of the custom step-down DC-DC converter system for ITk Strip detector.
Ewa Stanecka
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
Wladyslaw Dabrowski
(AGH University of Krakow (PL))
11:10 AM
Compact Tracking Calorimeters for the Detection of Low-Energy Cosmic-Ray (Anti-)Nuclei
Martin Jan Losekamm
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))