Town meeting: heavy ion and QGP physics at CERN
CERN Council has launched an Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics to which written scientific input can be provided till 31 March 2025. As for the previous Strategy Updates in 2012 and 2018, this one-day Town Meeting will aim at formulating a consensus view of the entire scientific community with research focus on ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Following the charge of this Strategy Update, the meeting will focus on the scientific opportunities with ion beams at the HL-LHC and at CERN fixed-target experiments. The meeting will review the state of the art of the field, including concrete plans for the full exploitation of the scientific opportunities of HL-LHC as well as the main theoretical efforts and future initiatives accompanying it.
Adam Matyja
Alba Soto Ontoso
Alberica Toia
Alberto Baldisseri
Aleksandra Petkovic
Alessandra Fantoni
Alexander Milov
Alexander Philipp Kalweit
Alexander Schmah
Alexandru Florin Dobrin
Alice Ohlson
Alisha Lightbody
Ametshaeva Emine
Ana Marin
Anar Rustamov
Andrea Dainese
Andrea Dubla
Andrea Palermo
Andreas Kosmas Vitsos
Andreas Morsch
Andrej Kugler
Anthony Robert Timmins
Antonello Di Mauro
Antonin Maire
Archita Rani Dash
Austin Alan Baty
Barbara Erazmus
Batoul Diab
Bilge Jin Onen
Bojana Ilic
Boris Hippolyte
Carolina Arata
Cesar Bernardes
Chenxi Gu
Chi Zhang
Christian Mathias Nding’wa
Christina Markert
Christine Nattrass
Christophe Royon
Christophe Suire
Chunjian Zhang
Cristiane Jahnke
Cynthia Hadjidakis
Cyrille Marquet
Daniel Tapia Takaki
Dariusz Miskowiec
David d'Enterria
David Dobrigkeit Chinellato
David Morrison
Deepa Thomas
Dener De Souza Lemos
Despina Hatzifotiadou
Dhananjaya Thakur
Domenico Elia
Dukhishyam Mallick
Edith Zinhle Buthelezi
Eduardo Fraga
Elisabeth Maria Niel
Emilie Maurice
Enrico Fragiacomo
Enrico Scomparin
Enrico Speranza
Ezra D. Lesser
Fabrizio Grosa
Felix Schlepper
Florian Damas
Florian Lindenbauer
Francois Arleo
Frank Geurts
Frederic Fleuret
Georgios Krintiras
Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi
Giacomo Alocco
Gian Michele Innocenti
Gianluca Usai
Gianluigi Arduini
Gines Martinez-Garcia
Giorgio Torrieri
Giuliano Giacalone
Giuseppe Bruno
Govert Hugo Nijs
Guilherme Milhano
Gunther Roland
guy Paic
Gyula Bencedi
Hanna Zbroszczyk
Hannah Bossi
Harald Appelshaeuser
Henner Buesching
Hyunwoo Kim
Imanol Corredoira Fernandez
Isobel Kolbe
Iurii Karpenko
Iwona Grabowska-Bold
Jacek Tomasz Otwinowski
Jacopo Ghiglieri
Javier Castillo Castellanos
Jian Liu
Jing Wang
Joachim Stroth
Joao Barata
Jochen Klein
Johanna Stachel
John Jowett
Juliette Authier
Jun Takahashi
Jussi Viinikainen
Kai Schweda
Kara Mattioli
Kirill Boguslavski
Klaus Reygers
Krista Lizbeth Smith
Kshitij Agarwal
Laura Šerkšnytė
Lee Joel
Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez
Leticia Palhares
Lida Kalipoliti
Livia Terlizzi
Livio Bianchi
Luciano Musa
Luisa Cifarelli
Léonard Lowe
Maja Mackowiak-Pawlowska
Marcelo Gameiro Munhoz
Marco van Leeuwen
Marek Bombara
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
Marianna Mazzilli
Marie Germain
Markus Brugger
Martin Rohrmoser
Mateusz Ploskon
Matt Durham
Maurice Coquet
Mesut Arslandok
Michael Murray
Michael Pitt
Michael Winn
Min He
Mingrui Zhao
Muhammad Ibrahim Abdulhamid
Muhammad Shahid
Nestor Armesto Perez
Nicole Bastid
Nima Zardoshti
Oleksii Lubynets
Olga Evdokimov
Paolo Martinengo
Paolo Parotto
Pasi Huovinen
Pasquale Di Nezza
Patrik Novotny
Pengzhong Lu
Peter Alan Steinberg
Peter Braun-Munzinger
Philippe Crochet
Prottay Das
Prottoy Das
Qipeng Hu
Rachid Guernane
Raimond Snellings
Ralf Averbeck
Raphaelle Bailhache
Rene Bellwied
Reyes Alemany Fernandez
Riccardo Longo
Robert Forynski
Roberta Arnaldi
Ronan McNulty
Rosi Reed
Salvatore Plumari
Sami Räsänen
Samuel Wallon
Sanghoon Lim
Sara Garetti
Sarah Porteboeuf
Saverio Mariani
Serguei Petrushanko
Seweryn Kowalski
Shengquan Tuo
Siegfried Foertsch
Silvia Masciocchi
Sourav Kundu
Souvik Priyam Adhya
Sushanta Tripathy
Taku Gunji
Tapan Nayak
Thomas Poschl
Tomasz Bold
Ulrich Heinz
Urs Wiedemann
Valerio Sarritzu
Valery Pugatch
Veronica Dexheimer
Vieri Candelise
Vinicius Tanioka
Wei Li
Wei Xie
Wilke Van Der Schee
Xiaoming Zhang
Yen-Jie Lee
Yi Chen
You Zhou
Zarina Bugulova
Zoltan Varga
Óscar Boente García
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