
Innovative techniques on spectroscopy and instrumentation on extended physical scales

by Dr Ioannis Madesis (National Kapodistrian University of Athens)


In this presentation, the work with various spectroscopic techniques, ranging from phonon to γ-ray energies will be presented. In this framework, an original method for the minimization of computational time for phonon calculations for solid state physics is going to be presented and discussed. Following that, the realization of the L45 atomic physics beamline at the “tandem” laboratory of the INPP, a unique Zero degree Auger projectile spectroscopy laboratory equipped with a high resolution electron spectrograph will be presented, along with its scientific output, results and ongoing potential. Finally, the work toward the development of prototype, state of the art detectors for environmental radioactivity measurements in the deep sea environments, that include both gamma radiation and a radon detector designed and assembled from the ground up,will be shown and discussed. Overall, the presentation highlights the similarities and challenges of spectroscopic techniques spanning a rather large energy range, where phenomena are seemingly different, but fundamental principles of experimental methodology can be universal in application.



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