27–28 Jun 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone


CERN Hostel
We have been informed that, at the moment, the CERN hostel is fully booked for the night of 27th June but you can still enquire if they have any cancelations : https://espace.cern.ch/hostel-service/Wiki%20Pages/How%20to%20Book.aspx

Hotels in the area
A list of hotels with special prices for people coming to CERN can be found at https://espace.cern.ch/hostel-service/Lists/Hotels/AllItems.aspx . You can make the booking yourself or ask the CERN hostel to make the booking for you.
If you will not have a car the Holiday Inn Thoiry has a shuttle bus that can pick you up from the airport http://www.holidayinn.com/hotels/gb/en/thoiry-(geneva-airport)/thyfr/hoteldetail while cheaper hotels close to CERN include the Hotel Sofia http://www.hotel-sofia.com/ and the Hotel Balladins http://hotelballadins-geneve.com/ .