Target Material Studies
- Said Essabaa
Alberto Andrighetto
(Laboratori INFN Legnaro)
27/06/2011, 15:00
The SPES project at Laboratori di Legnaro of INFN (Italy) is concentrating on the production of neutron-rich radioactive nuclei by the Uranium fission at a rate of 10^13 fission/s . The emphasis to neutron-rich isotopes is justified by the fact that this vast territory has been little explored, at exceptions of some decay and in-beam spectroscopy following fission. The Rare Ion Beam (RIB) will...
Evelyne Cottereau
(IPN Orsay)
27/06/2011, 15:20
IPNO is actively pursuing R&D studies to improve the properties of fission targets both in the framework of future radioactive beam facilities and for the operation of the ALTO facility. Within the Spiral2 project, IPNO is studying several synthesis modes to improve both the density and the release of UCx targets. New actinide targets are studied through the Actilab project. The status of...
Hanna Franberg Delahaye
27/06/2011, 15:40
An overview of the production station and some of the results achieved for the ion sources, targets and neutron converter will be discussed.
Alexander Gottberg
27/06/2011, 16:00
UCx targets have long been used in ISOL-type facilities to deliver a large range of different radioisotopes. Such targets are also central in the operation of next generation facilities, such as SPES, HIE-ISOLDE, SPIRAL2, and ultimately EURISOL. Within the FP7-ENSAR Joint Research Activity ActILab a large collaboration, including members from CERN, GANIL, INFN, IPNO and PSI, is working on...