Beam Manipulation & Purification
- Navin Alahari
Luigi Cosentino
28/06/2011, 08:30
The aim of the EXCYT (EXotics with CYclotron and Tandem) facility is the production and acceleration of radioactive ion beams. A primary beam provided by the K-800 Superconducting Cyclotron produces the required nuclear species in a target-ion source complex, which can be used for low energy experiments (up to 300 keV) and higher energy, by accelerating them by means of the 15 MV Tandem. The...
Ari Jokinen
(Department of Physics-University of Jyvaskyla)
28/06/2011, 08:50
IGISOL-facility in the Accelerator Laboratory relies on the ion guide technique developed early 80's in the University of Jyväskylä. Since then the ion guide technique has constantly been developed and improved. Our recent studies have concentrated on the laser ionization both in the gas cell but also in the gas jet evacuating the gas volume.
The extracted ion beam can be manipulated in a...