15–18 Oct 2024
Purdue University
America/Indiana/Indianapolis timezone

Real-time Reinforcement Learning on AI Engines with Online Training for Autonomous Accelerators

15 Oct 2024, 16:05
Steward Center 306 (Third floor) (Purdue University)

Steward Center 306 (Third floor)

Purdue University

128 Memorial Mall Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Lightning 5 min talk + poster Lighting talks


Luca Scomparin


Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a promising approach for the autonomous AI-based control of particle accelerators. Real-time requirements for these algorithms can often not be satisfied with conventional hardware platforms.
In this contribution, the unique KINGFISHER platform being developed at KIT will be presented. Based on the novel AMD-Xilinx Versal platform, this system provides cutting-edge general microsecond-latency RL agents, specifically designed to perform online-training in a live environment.
The successful application of this system to dampen horizontal betatron oscillations at the KArlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA) will be discussed. Additionally, preliminary results of the application of the system to the highly non-linear problem of controlling microbunching instabilities will be presented.
Special focus will be given to the implementation of low-latency neural networks targeting the AI Engines of Versal, and the necessary integration to the accelerator control system.



Presentation materials