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Holly Pacey
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UK ECR ECFA and PECFA Meeting Minutes:

Date: 12.03.2024

Attendees (random order):  Holly Pacey, Patrick Dougan, Julia Allen, Atanu Modak, Aidan Robson, Joel Goldstein, Sarah Williams, Sinead Farrington, Daniela Bortoletto 


Meeting Introduction by Holly:

Topics to discuss:

  • Ideas for 2024 projects:

    • Survey CV/Profiles of people who obtained a permanent position

    • Organise HEP Job event

    • Feedback from Sarah, Aidan, Joel: 

      • IOP best option for funding and venue to organise such an event

      • Birmingham could be another venue option

      • Could be an independent event or a tie-in with the PPAP. The next PPAP is likely in July. In case of a tie-in event, figure out the order of sessions between ECR and PPAP for maximum engagement and contact Sarah in future for details on PPAP event. 

      • Bring in views from people who left HEP for industry positions 

      • Focus on a single event instead of separate HEP/non-HEP events

      • PECFA can help with panellist selection

      • Approaching people individually could be helpful to receive feedback on CV/Profiles, instead of a common/general email 

  • Ideas for 2024 projects (continue):

    • Future Collider focussed events

    • Follow recommendations from previous UK FC Townhall

    • Follow up on ECR Future Collider event

      • Follow up on the last meeting at CERN

      • Discuss UK-specific funding, challenges

        • Difficult to get direct STFC insight on FC related funding timeline 

      • Timeline: September could be the earliest for such an event. Consider an FC event further in future, e.g. attached to IOP HEPP/APP 2025.

      • Prioritise the HEP Job event before the RECFA visit. UK is well prepared for the RECF and HEP jobs event will have wider appeal. Plan inclusive session focussed on ECR.

  • Durham Workshops:

    • Introduction by Sarah, draft document to be attached to the agenda

    • Plan:

      • 1st workshop Online by the end of April / beginning of May 

        • Will be useful to set the scene for the next in-person main event 

        • Online good for wider participation from newcomers.

      • 2nd workshop in person at Durham (check early for venue confirmation ), either in September or December depending on the European Strategy Update timeline 

        • Speakers are being identified, and need ECR names as well

        • Encourage 1st/2nd year student contributions

  • RECFA visit:

    • Introduction by Daniela, shared draft schedule for the event, most likely will be restricted to others. Limited attendance: 28 member state delegates, Director General, Director of Research, funding agency reps, maybe 1 member/group, 1 ECR

    • Date: 13th September, at RS.

    • ECR Talk format: example talks available from visits in Germany and Greece. It will be a 15-20 minutes talk summarising the survey results and highlighting any relevant proposals/demands from the ECR side.

    • A full analysis of the survey results won’t be necessary for the visit, but no objections to arXiv report after for UK audience.

    • Daniela soliciting experiment PIs on the speaker list and will share a document with PECFA colleagues for suggestions. (not going into details of speaker list discussion in the minutes) Finalise speakers by April.

    • Poster sessions during the breaks might not be possible

    • Need feedback on the draft survey, the plan is to circulate the survey by next week. 

    • Need help on how to distribute the survey effectively across the UK ECR community. 

  • Procedure to select ECR Panellist: Postponed the discussion due to lack of time. This will be discussed later. The current procedure is already good. 

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:45
      Discussion 45m
      • RECFA visit
      • ECR nominations process
      • Ideas for 2024 projects
      Speakers: Atanu Modak (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Holly Pacey (University of Oxford (GB)), Julia Frances Allen (The University of Edinburgh (GB)), Patrick Dougan (University of Manchester (GB))
    • 10:45 11:00
      Durham Workshops 15m
      Speaker: Sarah Louise Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))