26–28 Aug 2024
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Study of Ionization Form Factor: Insights from Argon and Xenon Targets

26 Aug 2024, 16:50
1h 20m
Poster Liquid Poster Session


Pedro Zilves Maio Ventura (São Paulo University)


In the context of the search for dark matter scattering signals with the nucleus, experiments using liquefied noble gases, such as argon (LAr) and xenon (LXe), play a significant role. The direct detection of dark matter particles with masses above 1 GeV/c² has already been extensively explored. Attention now turns to the low-mass region. An attractive opportunity in this region is the observation of signals from a possible interaction of light dark matter with electrons in the target material. Due to the high detection efficiency of S2 electroluminescence signals, even at low energies, scattering between light dark matter and electrons becomes a channel of great interest.

In this work, I present a study on the ionization form factor of argon and xenon atoms, essential for calculating the expected DM-electron scattering event rate in current detectors, along with the kinematic limitations imposed by the standard galactic dark matter halo model.


Pedro Zilves Maio Ventura (São Paulo University)

Presentation materials