Poster Session: Poster Session
- Vinicius do Lago Pimentel (Center of Information Technology Renato Archer)
In this work, we have explored the potential of oxygen capture in Liquid Argon (LAr) of the innovative CuO dispersive layered double hydroxide media (R-LDH) and the Ce-doped R-LDH. Low-temperature experiments in the LAr Purification Cryostat (PuLArC) at IFGW/Unicamp were performed using LAr circulation through two filters, one containing the R-LDH (or the Ce-doped R-LDH) material and the other...
The quality, durability, and efficiency of a thin film heavily depend on surface cleaning procedures, deposition mechanisms, and pre- and/or post-deposition heat treatment. The annealing process, in turn, allows for the molecular rearrangement of the film, promoting its molecular chains to attain their most stable state possible, which can enhance the aforementioned properties. This study...
TPB is the standard wavelength shifter used in liquid argon/xenon experiments to convert scintillation light from deep UV to visible wavelengths, where typical photodetectors have non-negligible light detection efficiency. While TPB offers high light conversion efficiency, its use presents challenges: it is an organic powder that is difficult to deposit as a thin film on substrates like glass...
The SBND (Short Baseline Near Detector) is the near detector of the Short Baseline Neutrino Program (SBN) at Fermilab. Positioned 110 meters from the neutrino beam, the SBND will gather extensive data on neutrino-argon interactions. The SBND experiment utilizes the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology for detection.
The Photon Detection System (PDS) consists of a passive...
We studied the conversion efficiency of Vacuum Ultra Violet light of PTP films as a function of their thickness. The PTP films were coated on dichroic filters or glasses at the Leptons Laboratory, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, using the vacuum evaporation technique. The arrangement of the filters within the evaporation chamber was done to ensure different levels of pTp deposition, with...
EMPHATIC (Experiment to Measure the Production of Hadrons At a Test beam In Chicagoland) is a Fermilab-based table-top size experiment focused on hadron production measurements. Flux is a limiting systematic for all neutrino cross section measurements by current experiments and we rely on a-priori predictions of the flux for analyses, including measurements of neutrino oscillations,...
Liquid noble detectors are highly dependent on wavelength shifter materials, such as p-Terphenyl (pTP) and tetra-phenyl-butadine (TPB). These materials are key to the DUNE's far detector (for the former) and the DUNE's near detector, the SBDN and ICARUS (for the latter), for instance. Given their significance, it is of extreme importance to fully comprehend and characterize these compounds to...
Liquid argon-based scintillation detectors are essential for dark matter searches and neutrino physics. The light detection in such detectors is still an object of research for large volumes. Liquid argon scintillation light is generated in the vacuum ultraviolet region, so it can undergo Rayleigh scattering and absorption before it gets detected. Using wavelength shifters may improve the...
Author: Camila Pierobão
The Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is one of three Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detectors positioned along the axis of the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab, as part of the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) Program. Located only 110 m from the BNB target, it will precisely characterize the neutrino flux before oscillations take...
Study of geometric efficiency of photon detection in LArTPC using Monte Carlo simulation
V. S. Teixeira1, L. C. Muchak1, A. F. S. Lisboa1, M. Adames1, M. Antoniassi1
1Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR, Brazil
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a...
In the context of the search for dark matter scattering signals with the nucleus, experiments using liquefied noble gases, such as argon (LAr) and xenon (LXe), play a significant role. The direct detection of dark matter particles with masses above 1 GeV/c² has already been extensively explored. Attention now turns to the low-mass region. An attractive opportunity in this region is the...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an experiment under construction that will employ 10-kt scale liquid-argon-TPC technology to do precision measurements of neutrino oscillations. Apart from the determination of CP violation in neutrino interactions, one of the main scientific goals of DUNE is the detection of neutrinos from a supernova burst. It is imperative to maximise the...
The need for a microscopic description of scintillation light generation in liquid argon becomes increasingly desirable with the upcoming operation of large scale LArTPCs in the next decade. While a detailed mathematical account of the process is still to be achieved, a phenomenological model for simultaneously treating ionization and scintillation, LArQL, has been successfully employed to...