Kay Schluehr
09/07/2007, 09:00
Python Language and Libraries
Extending Python as a language has always been among the main objectives of the
Python core development team. Enhancing Python and developing the CPython runtime
have become interchangeable activities. Those who tried to extend Python had to be
core developers of CPython or at least experimenting with one of the alternative
runtime environments like PyPy, IronPython or Jython. For those...
Markus Franz
(Metager2, SuMa-eV)
09/07/2007, 09:00
Web Related Technologies
After years of decline, object databases are now becoming more and more important
again because of new open source systems. Their data objects directly appear as
programming language objects without any mapping - avoiding the impedance mismatch
between objects and relational tables.
Most object databases are designed to work well with languages such as Java, C# or
C++. This talk covers...
Marc-Andre Lemburg
09/07/2007, 09:30
Python Language and Libraries
mxTextTools comes with a high performance tagging engine for text and Unicode data
which can be used to tokenize and parse (little) languages. The resulting abstract
syntax tree can then be hooked up to a generator to build a complete and fast
compiler in pure Python. The talk will give a short introduction to the way the
tagging engine works and how it can be used to build compilers....
Christian Theune
(gocept gmbh & co. kg)
09/07/2007, 09:30
Python Language and Libraries
Object DBMS' have not been wildly successful as a generic database. Persistency frameworks however have popped up in many places (like Hibernate) and most of them use a relational database in the backend. This always involves an impedance mismatch and also a performance penalty.
The ZODB is a pure object database written in Python (and a little help from C) that has been around for about 10...
Markus Franz
(BF Blogform Search)
09/07/2007, 10:00
Web Related Technologies
Google offers a variety of services for web developers, including local search and maps. This talk shows how to use these services. The best libraries are shown including case studies for enhancing own applications.
Michael Hawker
(McGill University / Mikeware)
09/07/2007, 10:00
With the evolution of computer systems, software development has become increasingly more complex. One way to deal with this increased complexity is through the use of software libraries. Many object-oriented languages provide special constructs such as abstract classes and interfaces which ensure that components are properly extended and executed. Unfortunately, the Python programming...
Gustavo Niemeyer
09/07/2007, 10:00
Python Language and Libraries
This talk will present Storm, a new Python ORM developed at Canonical which permits mapping of objects against multiple relational databases with ease. Topics covered include the project history, the high-level architecture, and examples.
This EuroPython talk will also be the first public announcement of Storm, and will mark the release of the project under an open source license for...
Samuel Dufour-Kowalski
09/07/2007, 11:00
Building plant models at different scales requires integrating tools from various scientific domains such as biology, computer science, and mathematics. The open source OpenAlea project's goal is to define a framework to share and reuse heterogeneous models from the plant modeling community. A visual environment is made available to researchers to ease the building of high-level computational...
Jukka Laurila
09/07/2007, 11:00
Python Language and Libraries
Past, present and a bit of the future of Nokia's Python porting work. How do you squeeze the interpreter into a small device? How do you provide access to complex C++ APIs in a way that makes sense? Also, what does the brave new world of Trusted Computing mean for the Python coder?
Jeroen Vloothuis
09/07/2007, 11:30
Writing Ajax application is normally associated with writing Javascript. Not any
more, KSS will let you use a familiar CSS like syntax combined with highlevel
commands to write your applications in style.
In this presentation you will learn what KSS is and what it can do for you. Because
KSS is easy to integrate with any server platform everyone is invited. During the
presentation this...
athanassios stamos
09/07/2007, 12:00
ThanCad is 2dimensional CAD aimed to meet the, ever growing, specific needs of civil
and surveing engineers. It is largely command compatible with the leading commercial
CAD, but it differtiantes to a few concepts such as hierarhcical layers, and lack of
elements attributes, which is the CAD equivalent to structured programming. ThanCad
adds some productivity tools such as line...
David Bourgeois
09/07/2007, 12:00
Tux Droid is a tux-shaped robot wirelessly controlled from a computer running Linux. It can talk and move, but also listen and react to events.
The wireless link is the key here, it provides Tux Droid with access to all the power of Python. Python’s interpreter is of great help if you don’t have any clue about programming languages and would like to make your first steps into robotics and...
Graham Stratton
(Cambridge Web Development)
09/07/2007, 12:00
FormEncode is the form data validation library included by default with both TurboGears and Pylons. It is a powerful and flexible tool for both validation of form data and conversion of raw data to Python objects.
This talk will cover the basic principles of FormEncode and give examples of how to achieve a number of common tasks. The use of htmlfill to render customised form pages with...
Charlie Clark
09/07/2007, 14:00
Web Related Technologies
Although Zope has been around for quite a while arguably contains some
fairly outdated code, it continues to find new users particularly amongst non-
programmers who are looking for a way to work with existing data which is
usually in some relational database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle,
DB2, etc.). One of the reasons for this is at Zope provides an extremely
powerful yet...
Armin Rigo
(PyPy), Mr
Samuele Pedroni
(Open End AB)
09/07/2007, 14:00
Python Language and Libraries
PyPy released 1.0 in March of this year. PyPy contains a very
compliant Python interpreter, and with 1.0 the first
incarnation of a Just-In-Time compiler which is generated
from the interpreter automatically with novel techniques.
In this talk we are going to give a brief introduction
to PyPy and its motivation. After recapitulating PyPy
architecture we are going to give an overview...
David Axmark
09/07/2007, 14:30
How to make MySQL go fast, from someone who was involved with the project before it had a name.
Philipp von Weitershausen
09/07/2007, 14:30
This talk, not starring Samuel L. Jackson, explores how to deploy a
Zope application using Paste.
For a while now, Zope has had support for WSGI and has been using it
internally to connect to the two officially supported server
frameworks, zope.server and twisted. Other Python web frameworks, on
the other hand, have been using PasteDeploy to connect their web
applications to any WSGI...
Jodok Batlogg
(Lovely Systems)
09/07/2007, 15:00
in this talk we'd like talk about using zope3 for "web2.0" community portals. we're serving more than 100mio requests per month with a peak traffic of 250mbit/s at more than 1000 concurrent requests. we were fighting hard to "tune" zope3 to that scale.
we'll talk about:
- the hardware architecture when running these applications: nginx reverse proxies, varnish caches, memcached caches,...
Holger Krekel
Maciek Fijalkowski
09/07/2007, 15:00
Python Language and Libraries
We quickly recap the basic architecture of PyPy Python interpreter(s)
and then demo and discuss the following unique features:
* transparent proxy: a way to customize behaviour of builtin
objects, enabling new models of persistence and distribution
* distribution prototype: have objects from remote places
appear as local ones, including frames (PDB!), file objects etc.
* object...
Maciej Fijalkowski
holger krekel
09/07/2007, 16:00
We'll talk about py.test, an advanced and easy-to-use Python-based testing
tool, aiming to speed up and integrate testing, development and documentation
efforts. py.test is a mature tool and used in many projects.
We will briefly present highlights of both long-standing and new features
(since ep2006):
* cross-project external tool for collecting and running application tests
Michael Kerrin
09/07/2007, 16:00
z3c.dav is an implementation of the WebDAV protocol for Zope3. It contains a number of components that help developers provide WebDAV support for their application.
z3c.dav works by parsing all the WebDAV requests. It then uses the Zope component architecture to lookup a WebDAV component that can handle the data it just received. This component may get or set the value of a property, or it...
Stefano Masini
(Pragma 2000)
09/07/2007, 17:00
Agile Experiences and Testing
I will show a step by step example of building a small user interface using wxPython.
The example will only be marginally related to wxPython itself and, even though previous
background won't be necessary, it'll be explained only as much as necessary to understand
the rest of the talk. The goal is to show the practice of Test Driven Development. The
code will follow the Model View...
Rolv Seehuus
(Kongsberg SIM), Mr
Tamer Fahmy
(Kongsberg SIM)
10/07/2007, 09:00
Business and Applications
Off-shore operations in the oil and gas industry are becoming increasingly expensive and complex. One of the strategies to overcome this development is to create operation centers on-shore.
Centralizing the control of oil-fields allows field-managers to make optimal decisions in a global scale. However, the amount of information they must process increases dramatically.
We present the...
Martijn Faassen
10/07/2007, 09:00
Web Related Technologies
This talk gives an introduction to the Grok web application framework. The framework
will be introduced and we will go into the design concepts behind it. We will then
set upon a difficult task: to try to convince the audience that Grok is interesting,
even among all the other Python-based web frameworks already out there.
Grok combines ease of use with the power of Zope 3. Grok...
Antonio Cuni
(DISI - University of Genoa),
Maciek Fijalkowski
10/07/2007, 09:00
Python Language and Libraries
Restricted Python (RPython) is a subset of a Python language designed to be
compiled into lower-level languages, suitable for direct compilation
into C, CLI, JVM or others. RPython cuts some of python dynamism (allows for
full type inference and creation of flow graphs), but doesn't require explicit
type annotations.
Results might be up to 300 times faster than the
original python...
Richard Emslie
(???), Mr
Simon Burton
10/07/2007, 09:30
Python Language and Libraries
At EWT we develop systems that trade stocks on the electronic exchanges.
The idea is that a computer can augment a human trader's reflexes by
responding to market movements on the millisecond timeframe.
This year we made the transition from python to rpython.
We found that not only is our turnaround much faster
but the code itself is able to be cleaned up as
performance critical hacks...
Elisa Burato
(Verona University),
Fabio Pliger
(SIA s.r.l.)
10/07/2007, 09:30
Sia and S3 focus their work on supplying both low level and high level systems solutions for industrial partners. This year SIA started a research project with the university of Verona to improve it's applications and solutions named ORDID: Upper-level Ontology-Driven Interpretation of Raw Data.
The project aims at looking for new and inovative construction of high level symbol grounding...
Michael Graz
(ITG London)
10/07/2007, 10:00
Python Language and Libraries
With the recent addition of the win32console module in python it is now possible to create GUI applications that have embedded console sessions. The win32console module is a wrapper around the Microsoft Windows console API which is the operating system component that enables character-mode applications to display data to a windows console. The most typical console mode application on Windows...
Christian Tismer
(tismerysoft GmbH)
10/07/2007, 10:00
Python Language and Libraries
This is a re-worked, actualized and improved version of
my talk at PyCon 2007. Repeating the abstract:
As a surprise for people who think they know Stackless,
we present the new Stackless implementation For PyPy,
which has led to a significant amount of new insight
about parallel programming and its possible implementations.
We will isolate the known Stackless as a special case of
Dale Strickland-Clark
(Riverhall Systems)
10/07/2007, 10:00
An innovative company in the South of England has produced the first safe way to
remotely monitor oil and gas wells wirelessly.
They'd built the hardware and now urgently needed software so they could demonstrate
their product at a trade show. Riverhall Systems used Twisted, Zope and a home-grown
graphics server to produce a useful demonstration which was used successfully at...
Lene Wagner
(merlinux GmbH),
holger krekel
(merlinux GmbH)
10/07/2007, 11:00
We'll look at how to do an EU research project, based on
experiences obtained through the PyPy project. We quickly
walk through the basics of the initial proposal, negotiations,
the EU funding contract, cost/funding models and how we modified and
amended the contract afterwards. The PyPy project has been one
of the first bigger open source research projects that
received funding from...
Jonathan DiCarlo
(Humanized, Inc.)
10/07/2007, 11:00
Business and Applications
Enso is a user-interface enhancement product created by Humanized
( and is somewhat unusual in that it's an application
written almost entirely in Python meant to be downloaded and installed locally by
non-technical users. This spring, driven by user feedback, Humanized began upgrading
Enso with a new auto-completion algorithm. This project presented several...
Jonathan Fine
(The Open University)
10/07/2007, 11:30
Python Language and Libraries
This talk describes the MathTran system for translating mathematics from TeX to MathML and vice versa, and its use of TeX as a daemon. It surveys related Python and TeX software, and calls for the creation of standard Python library modules as a means of unifying and simplifying these projects. Finally, it shows how Python can be used to script TeX typesetting and use TeX as a callable function.
Beatric During
(Change Maker), Mr
Holger Krekel
(merlinux GmbH)
10/07/2007, 11:30
Some people have said that they have hardly seen a large
project succeed with delivering to the original goals as much
as the PyPy project did. Others consider it a failure because
it did not take over the world yet or is not usable for
mainstream purposes. Anyway, we'll talk about the mix of
development processes, methods and infrastructure of the PyPy
project. We will summarize our...
Duncan Grisby
(Tideway Systems Ltd.)
10/07/2007, 11:30
In this presentation, I will talk about our experience with using Python as the main programming language in the development of Tideway Foundation, a product that helps large enterprises understand and manage the truth about their complex IT environments. Foundation automatically generates dependency information about hardware and software within an environment, involving accessing target...
Johnny Stovall
(Dr. Stovall Foundation for Practical Education and Social Development)
10/07/2007, 12:00
Data-driven parsers have been used in AI and inductive reasoning in ways beyond the abilities of rule-driven parsers. This paper presents an annotated bibliography and guidelines for developing multipurpose data-driven parsers in hopes that developers will assist the author in disaster recovery and OLPC development, will push Free Open Software to new heights, and will benefit from commercial...
Alejandro J. Cura
(Python Users Group, Argentina),
Lucio Torre
(Python Users Group, Argentina)
10/07/2007, 12:00
The objective of this talk is to encourage people to participate in
pyweek. We explain what the contest is, when it takes place, who can
and does participate and why everybody should. A quick review of the
most unique games is given, plus an account of the fun experience we
had developing our entries. We also talk about how python is the
perfect match for this kind of tight schedules, and...
Robert Collins
(Canonical Limited)
10/07/2007, 12:00
Thomas Vander Stichele
10/07/2007, 14:00
Flumotion is a GPL streaming media server written in Python. It is distributed
and component-based: every step in the streaming process (production,
conversion, consumption) can be run inside a separate process on separate
Flumotion uses Twisted and GStreamer. Twisted enables the high-level
functionality, distributing components over the network. GStreamer, through the
Valentino Volonghi
10/07/2007, 14:30
I'd like to show how I wrote my starter kit [1], how it works and what you can do
with it.
Nevow is sometimes a bit hard when it comes to starting a new application, especially
because some
details like authentication, pages organization, configuration management and
deployment are not
really part of what nevow provides.
In my experience with many different applications like stiq [2],...
Harald Armin Massa
(GHUM Harald Massa)
10/07/2007, 14:30
Windows-Users are generally accustomed to "point, click, destroy" installation. Distributing .py files and installing the interpreter is often no-go.
We will look into some samples of the great tool py2exe.
dbimport is some lines of code to update Python applications within closed environments.
Walter Aprile
(Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
10/07/2007, 15:00
User studies that feature user movement in the real world or in simulated environment
generate datasets, usually in the form of logfiles, that need to be stored,
summarized, processed and represented. Datasets must additionally include metadata
that accounts for experimental conditions. We have developed a class that produces
graphical displays of user travels over a regularly-spaced grid,...
Michael Hudson
10/07/2007, 15:00
Business and Applications
Bazaar is a safe, friendly, free and fast distributed version control system.
(will add more here soon)
Brian Kirsch
(Open Source Applications Foundation)
11/07/2007, 09:00
Web Related Technologies
Intended Audience
This talk is intended for experienced Python programmers interested in developing
Internationalized Applications using Python and Open Source libraries. The audience
is expected to be familiar with some basic Internationalization concepts, as the
presentation is not a full Unicode / i18n...
Michele Simionato
(StatPro Italy)
11/07/2007, 09:00
As the old saying goes, Python is the only language with more Web frameworks than
keywords. This is sometimes an advantage, but more often than not, it is an issue.
In order to improve the interoperability between different frameworks, Phillip
J. Eby proposed in 2003 a specification, the WSGI or Web Server Gateway
Interface, a.k.a Whiskey. In my talk I will...
Martijn Faassen
(Zope Foundation, Inc)
11/07/2007, 09:00
The Zope Foundation was incorporated last year. Its aim is to take over the whole intellectual property "Zope" from Zope Corporation and lead Zope's further development as OpenSource software, but now owned by a non-profit organisation.
This talk is about the future of Zope from the point of view of the Zope Foundation. Two members of the ZF Board of Directors, Martijn Faassen and Aroldo...
Gorka Moral
(European Agency for Safety and Health at Work)
11/07/2007, 09:30
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has developed, in cooperation with, an open source based Content Management System, to manage its
international network of websites, composed of more than 50 websites, hosted
centrally at its premises in Bilbao, Spain.
This CMS allows the Agency to manage the workflow of hundreds of editors; to manage,
through the web, all the...
Christopher Lenz
11/07/2007, 09:30
Genshi ( is a relatively new toolkit aimed at producing output for the web. It's focus is the generation of markup, in particular X/HTML, which includes a template language inspired by Kid.
In this talk I will present the advantages of using Genshi for templating, such as automatic escaping, solid error handling, and different serialization formats. Also, I'll...
Lennart Regebro
11/07/2007, 09:30
Web Related Technologies
Zope was an early web framework, and one of the first complete
frameworks to include such things as persistance, security management
and extensibility. It was an early open source adopter and was ar ahead of it's time. So why didn't it take over the world? Why didn't it even take over the Python world?
This presentation will look at the mistakes of Zope 2 and primarily
Zope 3, and where...
Alexander Pilz
11/07/2007, 10:00
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has developed, in cooperation with, an open source based Content Management System, to manage its
international network of websites, composed of more than 50 websites, hosted
centrally at its premises in Bilbao, Spain.
Besides the usual tasks to operate a CMS, this system has some specific challenges.
It is bad to change...
Brian Quinlan
(Google Ireland)
11/07/2007, 11:30
Web 2.0 (whatever that means) is here and along with it has come an increased need for high-performance web services.
In this talk, I'd to discuss some ideas on how to measure the utilization and performance of Python-implemented web-services in order to:
- plan capacity
- find performance hotspots
- decide when to run around like a decapitated chicken
Andrew Dalke Dalke
(Dalke Scientific Software, LLC)
11/07/2007, 12:00
Python Language and Libraries
"Make it work, ... then make it fast". "If you can't measure it, it doesn't exist." Both useful adages, but how do you measure the performance of a Python program and identify bottlenecks?
In my talk I'll start with generating simple timing numbers and how to interpret the results. I'll show how to use Python's profiler and convert the results for kcachegrind, a KDE profile visualization...
Christopher Arndt
(pyCologne, the Python User Group Köln)
Here follows the outline of the topics covered in the talk:
Introduction (5min):
- What is TurboGears?
- What can it be used for? Who uses it?
- Which components make up the TurboGears framework?
- What is the future of TurboGears development?
The web-application development process with TurboGears:
10 steps to your TurboGears application