9–11 Jul 2007
Vilnius, Lithuania
Europe/Zurich timezone

High performance Zope3

9 Jul 2007, 15:00
Theta (Vilnius, Lithuania)


Vilnius, Lithuania


Mr Jodok Batlogg (Lovely Systems)


in this talk we'd like talk about using zope3 for "web2.0" community portals. we're serving more than 100mio requests per month with a peak traffic of 250mbit/s at more than 1000 concurrent requests. we were fighting hard to "tune" zope3 to that scale. we'll talk about: - the hardware architecture when running these applications: nginx reverse proxies, varnish caches, memcached caches, ipvs load balancers, XEN virtualization,...), - strategies to monitor and improve zope3 settings (z3monitor, zservertracelog, cache tuning,...) with python plugins for cacti - deployment of multiple servers with buildout/eggs - software quality (buildbot, ftests/unit testing, selenium) - do and dont's to consider when building highly personalized web2.0 portals we'll give a "hand's on" how to use our performance and caching python packages to improve the speed of zope3.


Mr Jodok Batlogg (Lovely Systems)


Mr Bernd Dorn (Lovely Systems) Mr Jürgen Kartnaller (Lovely Systems)

Presentation materials