The Silicon Electron Multiplier (SiEM) sensor is a novel concept for minimum ionizing particle (MIP) detection, aiming for excellent time and spatial resolution with fine pitch and internal gain. Metal electrodes embedded in the silicon substrate, obtained with a MEMS technique, form the gain layer that can be controlled by applying a high electric field to the electrode contacts. Such a...
RNTuple, the successor to ROOT's TTree I/O subsytsem, is currently close to reaching production-level maturity and adoption in experiment core software as well as other analysis frameworks is well underway. As the (experimental) uses of RNTuple in production environments increases, the number of available data sets resulting from different production steps does as well, each with their own...
A high temperature superconducting (HTS) demonstration magnet has been developed in the frame of the Experimental Physics Department Research and Development program on Experimental Technologies at CERN.
Two small partially insulated, radiation transparent demonstrator coils were successfully built using additive manufacturing technology (3D-printing) applied to the aluminium alloy support...
EP-R&D WP4 Robotics for Detector is devoted to introducing robotic systems in future high energy physics experiments to assemble, maintain, inspect, and operate particle detectors. The harsh cavern environment constitutes a challenge for these systems, which will have to deal with high radiation levels and magnetic field intensities. The first step to reach this goal is to deploy these robots...
Key4hep is a software framework designed to facilitate the design, optimization and data analysis of detectors for future accelerator experiments. With the goal of fostering collaboration and resource sharing, the Key4hep community has been growing and now includes the FCC, CLIC, ILC, EIC and other experiments. Thanks to reusing developments across experiments, Key4hep significantly reduces...
Recently, there have been numerous machine learning-based models developed to address the need for fast calorimeter shower simulation tools. However, most of these models are detector-dependent, i.e., these models are separately trained for each detector or experiment. This leads to the consumption of considerable resources during the designing and training of these models, both in terms of...
DUNE, the next generation of neutrino detectors is due to come online in the 2030s. In the meantime, R&D is needed. The Warwick Time Projection Chamber (WarTPC) is a High Pressure Gaseous TPC (HPgTPC) that will operate under the same conditions as ND-GAr at DUNE. The WarTPC aims to develop and optical readout platform at high pressure, and will also perform gas studies to aid in the DUNE program.
New-generation detectors are creating a need for flexible, high-speed datalinks. As a part of EP RnD WP6 and in collaboration with WP9, an examination of commercial-grade Ethernet as a front-end readout link is underway, potentially enabling off-the-shelf hardware to be used in data readout systems and cutting down complexity using modern datacenter technologies.
We present the encouraging...
As front-end ASIC complexity in HEP experiments grows, there is a shift towards more modular, programmable, and cost-effective designs. This work introduces the SOCRATES platform, a radiation-tolerant SoC generator toolset, centered on SoCMake, a hardware/software build system that automates SoC assembly and verification. Utilizing existing IP blocks, SoCMake generates the interconnects and...
Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs), implemented as 𝑛++−𝑝+−𝑝, show outstanding precision timing performance when detecting high-energy charged particles and will be used in the timing detectors for the upcoming High Luminosity LHC detector upgrades. However, due to the difference in multiplication mechanisms for holes and electrons, the detection performance for low penetrating particles (e.g...
PixESL pioneers a virtual prototyping framework for future particle detectors in high-energy physics. Developed at CERN under the EP R&D Work-Package 5, this framework enables high-level abstraction, simulating the full detector chain from particle interaction to data packet readout. It facilitates early optimization of chip and system architecture, which is critical for meeting experiment...
A high cooling power, low-complexity and inexpensive system for pre-cooling of multi-kiloampere current leads based on nitrogen boiling thermosyphon flow in a modular heat interceptor part is presented. This heat interceptor module can be placed between the resistive and high temperature superconductive part of the current leads to minimize thermal loads to a connected cold mass. Two prototype...
High-Pressure Laminate Resistive Plate Chamber (HPL-RPC) detectors are a type of gaseous detector that identifies particles using a mixture of greenhouse gases (GHG) consisting of 95.2% C$_2$H$_2$F$_4$ (R-134a), 4.5% i-C$_4$H$_{10}$, and 0.3% SF$_6$. Notably, the high Global Warming Potential (GWP) of this mixture results in the HPL-RPC detectors being one of the main contributors to CERN's...
A future upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will expose silicon-based particle detectors to higher radiation levels requiring temperature levels below than what is currently attainable with the CO2 cooling system (2PACL). A fluid-based approach suggests the noble gas krypton as a promising cooling agent for thermal management of detectors within the range -60 to -80°C. Its...
Cryocooler-based cooling technology promises compactness and modularity. Moreover, it allows for avoiding investment costs related to building large cryogenic plants. This makes it particularly attractive in the context of cooling future detector magnets for HEP experiments. Nevertheless, this technology features a modest cooling capacity which requires a dedicated design to reduce heat...
The ALICE collaboration is developing the new Inner Tracker System 3, a novel detector that uses the stitching technique to construct a single-die monolithic active pixel sensor. For material budget, flexible cables are minimized. This forces all the data to be transferred on-chip to the left edge, responsible for communication with the outside world. These long-distance on-chip communication...
During the High-Luminosity LHC phase, the LHCb RICH detector will face challenges arising from increased particle multiplicity and high occupancy. Therefore, enhancing the detector granularity and introducing sub-100ps time information will be crucial to maintaining its excellent particle identification (PID) performance. The 150 ps intrinsic time resolution of the Multi-Anode Photomultiplier...
The PICOSEC Micromegas (MM) detector is a precise-timing gaseous detector based on a Cherenkov radiator coupled with a semi-transparent photocathode and a MM amplifying structure, targeting a time resolution of tens of picoseconds for minimum ionising particles. Initial single-pad prototypes have demonstrated a time resolution below σ = 25 ps, prompting ongoing developments to adapt the...
Caribou is a versatile data acquisition system used in multiple collaborative frameworks (CERN EP R&D, DRD3, AIDAinnova) for both bench-top and test-beam qualification of novel silicon pixel detector prototypes. The system is built around a common hardware, firmware and software base shared accross different projects, thereby drastically reducing the development effort and cost. The current...
This R&D effort aims to develop Spaghetti Calorimeters (SpaCal) with O(10) ps time resolution, energy resolution with 10% sampling and 1% constant term, and fine granularity. The SpaCal modules will use several novel technologies, including radiation-hard scintillating materials, hollow light guides, and ultra-fast photodetectors.
R&D activities include laboratory measurements, Monte-Carlo...
MALTA3 DMAPS, last prototype of MALTA family, will be designed in the standard TOWER 180 nm technology with numerous process modifications, as well as front-end changes in order to boost the charge collection efficiency after the targeted fluence of 1 × 10E15 1 MeV neq/cm 2.
The effectiveness of these changes have been demonstrated with recent measurements of the full size MALTA2 chip. With...
The AHEAD (Advanced Heat Exchange Devices) project has been launched in the frame of the ATTRACT Phase 2 project, which is one of the main partners of the EP R&D program. Among the AHEAD partners, CERN focuses on the implementation of the AHEAD’s technology on the detectors’ thermal management systems, relying on carbon dioxide refrigeration. In such systems, sensing of local flow parameters...