19–25 May 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Presentation "Theory of stellar nucleosynthesis at low-energy scales"

21 May 2024, 17:30


Holiday and Conference Centre "Raven Rocks" ("Krucze Skały") Address: Wilcza 1, 58-540 Karpacz


Marcin Sokołowski (University of Warsaw)


Abstract: "The evolution of the main-sequence stars is governed by the reaction rates of the nuclear processes that occur in their interiors. The talk will cover the topic of a low-energy stellar nucleosynthesis reactions in the systems composed of the non-degenetate matter, in which the Maxwell-Boltzman distribution is valid. The reaction rates of the resonant and non-resonant reaction tuons will be discussed, as well as the key koncepts behind the so-called R and S processes, responsible for the origin of heavy elements, which are created during the collapse of the stars."

Presentation materials