17–21 Jun 2024
Departamento de Física e Astronomia - Universidade do Porto
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Slow first-order phase transitions

20 Jun 2024, 18:15
Departamento de Física e Astronomia - Universidade do Porto

Departamento de Física e Astronomia - Universidade do Porto

Rua do Campo Alegre 687, Massarelos, 4150-179 Porto, Portugal


Dr Ville Vaskonen


Strongly supercooled phase transitions cause a period of thermal inflation. Such first-order phase transitions typically generate a strong primary gravitational wave background from bubble collisions. In this talk, I will show that if the transition is also slow it leads to the formation of large inhomogeneities that source a secondary gravitational wave background. For sufficiently slow transitions the secondary background dominates over the primary one. I will also discuss the formation of primordial black holes in such transitions.



Dr Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw) Piotr Toczek (University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials