18–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


Plenary talk: Theoretical Astrophysics – Prof. Dr. Elisa G. M. Ferreira, "How to build a dark matter model: evidences and the landscape of dark matter candidates"

23 Aug 2024, 11:30
Faculty Lounge (FIAS)

Faculty Lounge


Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main


All we see in our universe, galaxies and stars, are only a tiny fraction of all the matter in the universe. 85% of this matter is made of a mysterious component, the dark matter. We measure dark matter's influence in our universe, but we still do not know what is made of. The nature of dark matter remains the biggest mystery in cosmology. In this talk, we are going to review the evidence for the existence of dark matter and gather all the knowledge we have about this mysterious component to create a model builder’s guide for dark matter models. Following these properties, there are many candidates to explain the nature of dark matter. I will present the current candidates for the explanation of the nature of dark matter, the landscape of dark matter models, which invokes different physical mechanisms spanning more than 80 orders of magnitude in mass. Finally, I will show how current and future observations, from astrophysical to particle colliders or even tabletop experiments, are going to be powerful to reveal more about the properties of dark matter to help us unravel the nature of dark matter.

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