We will discuss test facilities in Japan which can be used for DRD3 developments.
At KEK an electron test beam facility with beam momentum upto 5 GeV has been established available since 2022. This facility will be available for the down time of major test beam facilities in Europe. Usually the beam is available for sensor testing for three periods (May-June, Oct-Dec and Feb-Mar) in each year in total about 5.5 months. The beam rate at 3 GeV is more than 2 kHz with beam spot size of 2 cm (1 cm) in horizontal (vertical) direction in RMS.
In Japan irradiation facilities are available in Kobe University and Tohoku University. These facilities are often used for ATLAS Phase-2 upgrade projects to certify radiation tolerance of silicon sensors and components for on-detector electronics.
In presentation, we will introduce these test facilities with their characteristics and discuss potential difficulties for users from abroad.
Type of presentation (in-person/online) | in-person presentation |
Type of presentation (scientific results or project proposal) | Presentation on scientific results |