The RD50-SiC-LGAD common project initiated by HEPHY aims to investigate, design, and manufacture 4H silicon carbide (4H-SiC) LGADs.
SiC LGADs are a key development required to overcome the main drawbacks of SiC: high ionization energy and limited epi thicknesses, which limit the charge signal in SiC detectors, especially for MIPs. Furthermore, due to the high charge carrier mobilities and the multiplication of holes (instead of electrons in Si), SiC-LGADs could enable unprecedented timing performance.
As a part of the RD50-SiC-LGAD project, a first run of planar detectors designed by HEPHY was carried out before manufacturing 4H-SiC LGADs. The planar run aims to better characterize and understand the material properties of 4H-SiC, validate the detector design, and, in the future, assess the radiation hardness of 4H-SiC with large statistics.
We present the first results from SiC detectors manufactured by IMB-CNM on 6' wafers with 50 and 100 um high-quality epi layers. We first report on the yield characterization and electrical properties measured at the wafer level during spring 2024. Finally, we present preliminary results of the particle detection performance using alpha particles, UV-SPA-TCT, and the proton beam at the MedAustron synchrotron.
Type of presentation (in-person/online) | in-person presentation |
Type of presentation (scientific results or project proposal) | Presentation on scientific results |