WG6/WP3 - Non-silicon-based detectors: WG6 - Scientific talks
- Xin Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
- Alexander Oh (University of Manchester (GB))
The RD50-SiC-LGAD common project initiated by HEPHY aims to investigate, design, and manufacture 4H silicon carbide (4H-SiC) LGADs.
SiC LGADs are a key development required to overcome the main drawbacks of SiC: high ionization energy and limited epi thicknesses, which limit the charge signal in SiC detectors, especially for MIPs. Furthermore, due to the high charge carrier mobilities and the...
High-energy and high-luminosity collision experiments on the future collider demand higher radiation resistance and time resolution detectors due to events pile-up. Silicon Low-gain avalanche detectors (LGADs) with excellent time resolution have been identified for use in collider experiments, such as ATLAS and CMS experiments. However, due to the inherent properties of silicon material, the...
Silicon Carbide (SiC) has several advantageous properties compared to Silicon (Si) that make it an appealing detector material, such as a larger charge carrier saturation velocity, bandgap, and thermal conductivity.
While the current understanding of simulation parameters suffices to simulate unirradiated 4H-SiC devices, TCAD models to accurately predict performance degradation after...
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) particle detectors are highly regarded as alternatives to crystalline silicon detectors (c-Si) in high radiation environments, due to their exceptional radiation hardness. The INFN HASPIDE research program focuses on developing a-Si:H detectors designed for characterizing ionizing radiation beams. Integrating hydrogen into amorphous silicon plays a...
A Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) semiconductor is expected to have high radiation tolerance with the recovery feature by the compensation of defects by ions. The CIGS has been developed for solar cells, and its radiation tolerance was initially investigated for space applications.
We developed new CIGS semiconductor detector and evaluated by Xe ion (400 MeV/u, 132 Xe54+ ) at the Heavy Ion Medical...
New accelerators are being developed, either for medical applications (X-ray radiotherapy, hadrontherapy, radiotherapy by synchrotron radiation and "flash" therapies), or for nuclear physics. These developments create the need for very precise beam monitoring with fast counting in a highly radiative environment. An important issue is the adaptation to the temporal beam structures, which vary...
Pixelated SiC LGAD device with both timing and position capabilities has the potential to address the 4D tracking in extreme fluence of future collider experiment. To improve the tracking and timing capabilities of SiC-LGAD device, this project proposes to fabricate the AC-coupled LGAD SiC device with pixelated structures. These devices will be characterized by spacial and temporal resolution...
Gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductors are now commonly found in optoelectronic and high-power devices, e.g., light-emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers and high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). GaN can also be used for detecting ionizing radiation under extreme radiation conditions due to its properties such as a wide bandgap (3.39 eV), large displacement energy (theoretical values averaging...
The radiation hardness of diamond has been tested mostly in the planar configuration and only limited data is available on the radiation hardness on 3d devices down to 55mum cell size up to 10^16 neq. The project proposes to investigate the radiation hardness of 25mum cell size devices up to fluences of 10^17 neq, characterise devices in terms of charge collection properties and defect studies...
Silicon Carbide (4H) is a promising semiconductor for radiation
tolerant particle tracking. The high bandgap offers the additional advantage of
room temperature operation which in turn requires less material due to
cooling. The main goal of this project is to achieve high fill factor pixelated
devices with a built-in gain junction. The devices will be fabricated at IISB
Fraunhofer based...