Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

23–27 Sept 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone


Flash talks / poster session

23 Sept 2024, 16:30
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map


Flash talks / poster session: Flash talks and poster session in Auditorium Mezzanine

  • Thea Aarrestad (ETH Zurich (CH))


All contributors will present a poster, which they will need to print by themselves. Poster holders will be available on Monday at the mezzanine. Please also upload the pdf of the poster in the agenda.

Some contributors have also asked for a flash talk. The duration of the flash talks is 3 mins. Please upload the flash talk contribution by Monday morning 11am. Thanks!

Presentation materials

Alina Lazar (Youngstown State University (US)), Henry Paschke, James, Jay Chan (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)), Minh Tuan Dang (CERN), Paolo Calafiura (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)), Xiangyang Ju (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
23/09/2024, 16:33
Poster and Flash talk

Optimizing the inference of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for track finding is crucial for enhancing the computing performance of particle collision event reconstruction. Track finding involves identifying and reconstructing the paths of particles from complex, noisy detector data. By leveraging GNNs, we can model the relationships between detector hits as a graph, where nodes represent hits...

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