ECFA H->ss Focus Group - Open Meeting

40/5-A01 (CERN)



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Valentina Cairo (CERN)

The main goal of this meeting is to present the state-of-the-art and discuss future possibilities for studies of H->ss and strange tagging with the community excited about the topic in view of the Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics.

  • Alvaro Tolosa-Delgado
  • Aman Desai
  • Chris Damerell
  • David d'Enterria
  • Eduardo Ploerer
  • Giovanni Marchiori
  • Jerry Vavra
  • Karsten Köneke
  • Keisho Hidaka
  • Krzysztof Mekala
  • Manqi Ruan
  • Matthew Basso
  • Peter Skands
  • Taikan Suehara
  • Valentina Cairo
  • Yotam Soreq
  • +2
Zoom Meeting ID
Valentina Cairo
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  • Timeline: full consideration for studies submitted by October. If we know of studies that can come later (by December), we should mention them in the October report and then update results by December. In this way, we can ensure that are still known.
  • Physics results: for the ECFA report we can make a nice summary Table/Plot to include the various constraints that are now available from the various detector configurations (this will also allow to avoid confusion between BR, ks, etc)
  • Discussion on what is a reasonable number for the ks enanchement that is not already excluded (or will be) by kc bounds? SFV can still preserve symmetries while allowing for independent up or down enhancements. Other models could do it, too.
    • Clarify this aspect again in the report
  • An important take away from Peter: "PID is the sine qua non. Absolutely crucial."
    • Next steps: iterate on fragmentation models to change at generation level and repeat the studies we have to see how sensitive we are to this
  • PID reco: add dN/dx plot to the combination (PID vs p) so that a comparison can be made with the RICH performance
    • Also to go in the report
  • RICH: nice material budget plot exist, discussions on whether removing cooling (saving material) and adding SiPMs hermetically (costs more) to reject noise via timing is better than keeping cooling to reject noise. 
  • In the report, explain advancement in RICH design and also DRD4 efforts for innovative RICH and photon detectors
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 15:00 15:05
      Welcome 5m
      Speakers: Valentina Cairo (CERN), John Alison (Carnegie-Mellon University (US)), Karsten Koeneke (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)), Loukas Gouskos (Brown University (US)), Matthew Basso (TRIUMF (CA)), Caterina Vernieri (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US)), Taikan Suehara (ICEPP, The University of Tokyo (JP)), Dr Valerio Dao (Stony Brook University), Yotam Soreq (Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (IL))
    • 15:10 15:15
      Timelines 5m
      Speaker: Jenny List (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
    • 15:25 15:35
      Theory introduction: Higgs and light flavours 10m
      Speaker: Yotam Soreq (Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (IL))
    • 15:40 15:55
      The challenge of fragmentation modelling 15m
      Speaker: Peter Skands (Monash University (AU))
    • 16:00 16:15
      Quick review of existing studies 15m
      Speaker: Matthew Basso (TRIUMF (CA))
    • 16:15 16:25
      The first step in your studies: where to find the samples [documentation contribution] 10m
    • 16:35 16:45
      PID reconstruction 10m
      Speaker: Ulrich Einhaus
    • 16:50 17:00
      Detector design 10m
      Speaker: Roger Forty (CERN)