MSHT PDFs: a first global closure test and aN3LO determination of the strong coupling
In this talk I will present the first determination of the value of strong coupling at approximate N3LO (aN3LO) order in a global PDF fit, specifically MSHT.
To build towards this, I will first present the results of a new set of closure tests of the underlying MSHT fitting framework. In this way, I will demonstrate that parameterisation inflexibility is expected to play a minor role in the MSHT error budget, but that an enlarged uncertainty criterion is nonetheless well motivated. This will have a direct consequence for the corresponding uncertainty evaluation on the strong coupling.
I will then present the key ingredients that allow us to perform a global PDF fit at aN3LO QCD order, demonstrating in particular that, given the amount of known N3LO information available, these allow for an increased level of accuracy in comparison to previous NNLO PDF determinations.
Finally, I will present an application of this fit methodology to the case of the strong coupling, which can be extracted from the global fit at this aN3LO order. The result is found to be consistent with the NNLO case, indicating that good perturbative convergence has been reached. I will also comment on the impact of fitting LHC inclusive jet or dijet data on our result.