25 June 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Developing electronics boards through standardisation, specialised tools and collaboration

25 Jun 2024, 11:15
81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B (CERN)

81/R-003B - Science Gateway Auditorium B


Show room on map


Andrea Boccardi (CERN)


The Beam Instrumentation Group (SY-BI) is responsible for designing, building and maintaining the instruments that allow observation of the particle beams and the measurement of related parameters for all CERN accelerators and transfer lines. Those instruments are often highly specialised and require the design of dedicated electronics, especially but not only for the elements exposed to radiation.
This contribution will illustrate the type of electronics boards and systems designed in SY-BI, the specification and review process in place in the group, the tools used, the CERN services we rely on and the network of collaborations with other groups that supports those designs.

Presentation materials