17 May 2024
Multimedia Hall of the Central Library of NTUA
Europe/Athens timezone


Gravitational waves: a new window into the universe and its laws

17 May 2024, 11:00
Multimedia Auditorium (Multimedia Hall of the Central Library of NTUA)

Multimedia Auditorium

Multimedia Hall of the Central Library of NTUA

NTUA Zografou Campus, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, 15772 Zografou, Attiki, Greece


Gravitational waves: a new window into the universe and its laws

  • Maria Sakellariadou


Language: English
Abstract: I will discuss the search for gravitational waves and the novel and powerful tool they provide to understand our universe and the laws that govern it. After a short introduction to gravitational waves and the methods to detect them, I will review how we use gravitational waves to test particle physics theories beyond the Standard Model, theories of gravity, early and late universe cosmological models, as well as astrophysics of compact objects. The implications of gravitational-wave detections can hardly be overestimated.

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