EVERSE WP1 Monthly Call
EVERSE WP1 Monthly Meeting, 2024-05-22
Attending: Graeme Stewart (CERN), Giacomo Peru (UEDIN), Tassos Stavropoulos (OpenAIRE), Nikos Pechlivanis (CERTH), Daniel Garijo (UPM), Tea Vojtěchová (CU), Monica Abrudan (ELIXIR Hub), Thanasis Vergoulis (ATHENA), Aspa Orfanou (CERTH), Shoaib Sufi (UNIMAN), David Chamont (IJCLab), Elanora Parisi (LifeWatch), Fotis Psomopoulos (CERTH), Jacky Bossey (CERN), Kirsty Pringle, Marco Bartolini (SKAO), Neil Chue Hong (UEDIN), Shoaib Sufi (UNIMAN), Stefan Roiser (CERN), Stefania Amodeo (OpenAIRE), Tassos Stavropoulos (OpenAIRE), Tea Vojtěchová (CA)
Apologies: Jonathan Tedds (ELIXIR), Carlos Martinez (NeSC), Sanja Fenkart (CERN)
Reminder: Institute contacts
ACTION: Please fill in who to contact in your institute for WP1: Spreadsheet in Owncloud
Fotis discussed with SciFiLab and they are very keen to join the network.
Stefan gave a talk in last week's WLCG-HSF workshop:
- External talks and slides: There's a folder where these presentations can be uploaded
Skills4EOSC: there will be a session at the Berlin EOSC symposium with multiple projects involved (incl. EVERSE); title is "Open Science Competence Center in the EOSC and beyond". We expect that EVERSE will ultimately be also a CC on Software
- online public event launching the Skills4EOSC Competence Centre Network (June 25, 9.30-12.30 CET)
Task 1.1
- Draft document for the European Network of Research Software Quality
- See active comments in the document!
- The Network has the role of the EOSC Association expert group. Advisory role, not formal.
- "Prority and favourable conditions" - not clear what that means; could help give planning inputs and suggestions for topics, but this is othogonal to attendence, which we want to be as broad as possible
- For governance, we need to understand the overlap with EVERSE itself. The Network should have its own governance, which is independent of EVERSE. EVERSE participants will help run things as part of their project activity. Depending on the activity different people would be involved.
- RSQKit governance is the responsibility of EVERSE, but the network can be there for engagement.
- Remember this is an EVERSE deliverable, but the network makes it better!
- Open question on the name: European Network of Research Software Quality seems to have no good acronymn!
- ENoRSQ (En-Ro-Sk)?
- EuNetSQ?
Task 1.2
- Joint effort from ELIXIR Hub and OpenAIRE
- We will organise a series of short talks on different communities' governance models, which will be followed by discussions. Based on the these, we can collectively decide how to procese with involving new and old communities in EVERSE
- OpenAIRE has contact with various "nodes" who may be active in software - repository managers. This is a different PoV to a software engineer.
- Think about how we structure these inputs to be useful
- Ask communities about their expectations and the benefits
First meeting (ELIXIR): 5 June, https://indico.cern.ch/event/1418032/
Task 1.3
- We need to think about a value proposition for other organisations and industry partners in the network
- Alignment with others is important, distill lessons that are important for others
- Are we going to include other organisation in the RSQKit?
- RSQKit is not a catalogue. Some organisations maybe, but maybe exclude comercial entities
- Landscape analysis for commercial entities is more for our internal consumption
- In https://www.bestpractices.dev/en there is a list of orgs that follow the best practices.
Next Meeting: 26 June @11h CEST https://indico.cern.ch/event/1410014/
A student from UPM will be presenting EVERSE at the ESWC 2024 project networking session. If you have any materials you'd like to include, please contact Daniel Garijo (daniel.garijo@upm.es) before May 24th.