11–14 Aug 2024
University of Maryland, College Park
US/Eastern timezone

Evolution of parton pseudo-distributions

12 Aug 2024, 11:35
University of Maryland, College Park

University of Maryland, College Park


Joseph Karpie


Critical to the understanding of parton structure is the scale dependence of the distributions. By compared data at different scales one can test the validity of the factorization approximation. Typically the universal short distance scale dependence of the object is calculated in perturbation theory. We propose a method for calculating the scale dependence non-perturbatively from lattice QCD data. With this approach, the range of universal scaling can be studied without the limitations of perturbation theory at lower energy scales.

Primary author


Chris Monahan (William & Mary) Herve Dutrieux (William and Mary) Kostas Orginos (William and Mary - Jlab) Savvas ZAFEIROPOULOS

Presentation materials