EPE Seminar: Peter Onyisi

PAT C-421

PAT C-421

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Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US)), Henry J Lubatti (lubatti@uw.edu)


B's Behaving Badly

 Peter Onyisi

 University of Texas, Austen

 Abstract: Physics beyond the Standard Model could potentially manifest itself via virtual corrections to SM processes, with sensitivities comparable to or exceeding those of direct searches for new particles. The bottom quark, and its associated B hadrons, provide a spectacular system to search for potential new physics affecting the third generation via precise measurements of their properties and decays. A number of B hadron decays currently show notable discrepancies from predictions. I will discuss the experimental status of the various "B anomalies", what they might indicate about possible new physics, and avenues for future progress in understanding them and their implications.