Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

15–17 Jun 2011
e-Science Institute, Edinburgh
GB timezone


GPU/Manycore Applications: Motivation and projects

16 Jun 2011, 15:10
Cramond Room (e-Science Institute, Edinburgh)

Cramond Room

e-Science Institute, Edinburgh

15 South College St, Edinburgh EH8 9AA, UK


GPU/Manycore Applications: Motivation and projects

  • There are no conveners in this block

GPU/Manycore Applications: Motivation and projects

  • Philip Clark (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Amir Farbin (Department of Physics-University of Texas at Arlington)
16/06/2011, 15:10
Yngve Sneen Lindal (Norges Teknisk-Naturvitens. Univ. (NTNU))
16/06/2011, 15:50
Andrew John Washbrook (CERN)
16/06/2011, 16:10
Markus Elsing (CERN)
17/06/2011, 09:00
Christian Schmitt (Institut fuer Physik-Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz)
17/06/2011, 09:20
Andrew John Washbrook (University of Edinburgh)
17/06/2011, 10:20
Dmitry Emeliyanov (Particle Physics)
17/06/2011, 10:30
Jacob Howard (CERN)
17/06/2011, 10:50
17/06/2011, 11:10
Ilija Vukotic (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL)-Universite de Pari)
17/06/2011, 11:30
Robert Harrington (Boston University)
17/06/2011, 12:00
Dr Alistair Hart (Cray Exascale Research Initiative Europe)
17/06/2011, 12:20
Building timetable...