The following moderator-related items were discussed:
- Check the moderator guidelines and be sure everyone agrees and understands
- Check moderator availability and fill in remaining "holes"
- Test your zoom rooms, if possible with your shadow / main moderator to make sure everything is working as expected
- Make sure you know where all the information is stored, because you might need to access it quickly during the event
- Make sure you can use the "ParticipantsView script"; it will be very useful to know who the job seekers are for each session (run it on the day of the event, since it is very likely that some job seekers will register last minute)
- we will now add it to a shared space, so everybody can fill it in
- this table will be updated today in the evening and be "frozen" for the event
We have to send the following reminders:
- [Irene] Send reminders for job seekers to update their registrations if they have not yet done so
- [Valentina] Send reminders to the motiv. speakers to make sure they don't forget to show up!
- [Oliwia] Same for recruiters
- [Bruno, Lorenzo, Luca, Max] Send a reminder for the Motiv. talks to all secretariats
The following action items must be performed:
- [Max, Bruno] Cancel the session from Maarten Boonekamp, as they haven't responded to any of our messages and will likely not show up
- send emails to all job seekers that enrolled in their sessions
- [Emery, Irene] Cancel all sessions without job seekers
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.