Accelerator Industry Permanent Forum (AIPF) - Public meeting - BSBF

Participants of BSBF 2024 are cordially invited to attend this meeting to share their ideas on how to integrate tendering and business opportunities information, foster communities' synergies, prioritize industry R&D funding, effectively engage industry with research institutions, and facilitate risk-sharing!
The event will feature two open microphone sessions for discussions.
The Accelerator Science and Technology (ASc&T) Industry Permanent Forum envisions a future where ASc&T research labs and industry collaborate fruitfully together to drive innovation. 
  • Act as an efficient link between industry and research institutions, representing the collective voice of the entire ASc&T community.
  • In subjects related to the link between industry and research institutions, become the main permanent reference forum for future European projects and decisions pertaining to ASc&T.
  • Strive to exploit ASc&T capabilities, aligning them with societal needs and addressing pressing challenges in our society.
  • Promote collaborations between industry and research labs at the earliest possible stage to enhance scientific achievements.
  • Promote and streamline innovation by the generation of innovative solutions ready for industrialization, market entry and exploitation.
  • Create a coherent and accessible roadmap for co-innovation in accelerators developments, fostering strategic scientific innovation and societal progress.
Participants Open Meeting Accelerator Industry Permanent Forum (AIPF)
  • Alessandro Fabris
  • Antonio Bonucci
  • Antonio Falone
  • ELena V. Rosa Adame
  • Elvis Janezic
  • Francescaclaudia Calise
  • Francesco Marafatto
  • Friedrich Haug
  • Hans Priem
  • Jan Visser
  • Jimmy Andersen
  • Joachim Scherer
  • Jose Antao
  • Jose Figueira
  • Jose Manuel Perez
  • Jose Miguel Carmona
  • Josef Troxler
  • Michael Gehring
  • Michaela Müller
  • Raffaella Geometrante
  • Sandra Imbach
  • Sara Casalbuoni
  • Sylvie LERAY
  • Tapani Ryynänen
  • Veronica Rigonat
  • +12
    • 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Can a forum between industry and research labs enhance collaboration that drives innovation that makes a tangible impact on industry, society, and beyond? 1h
    • 5:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Pannel Discussion: Bridging the chasm between Research and Industry 1h

      The AIP Forum has 5 priorities for the 2024-2025 period
      - Promote the integration, classification, and distribution of information on new initiatives, calls, projects and infrastructure upgrades.
      - Promote the integration of roadmaps between synergetic communities.
      - Work on R&D Funding programs focused to industry.
      - Strengthen the relationship with the Research Institutions, being proactive in the ASc&T strategic development plans.
      - Promote mechanism to share the risk between Research infrastructures and Industry for the development of prototypes and low TRL components.

      Panelists from both Research institutions and industry will present their points of view and launch the debate with the public assisting.