14–18 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Privacy Information

Data controller
John Apostolakis (CERN)

Privacy notice

This interim document details the data which is collected from participants in this course (‘Geant4 Advanced Course at CERN, October 14-18, 2024), its use and the policy for its deletion.  The complete Report of Processing Operations has been drafted and is being reviewed (19 August 2024).

Identifying information

Essential personal data of participants is requested including surname, first name, e-mail address and your employing institution. These are used to organise the event, and to identify and to communicate with the participants.

For participants who attend in person,  additional requested information are used to produce access cards and to print out the badges which must be worn when on the CERN site.

This information is also used to provide attendance certificates to those who have participated in 80% of the course’s lectures.

Names and emails are retained for 52 weeks.  The remaining information is retained for 8 weeks to enable these actions.

Information for Billing

To determine the course fee and arrange for the billing of the course we request the following information:

  • the CERN team or department’s budget code, if a person is using it to pay for the course;
  • the name, email and physical address of the person to whom an invoice will be sent (if an invoice is required by the person’s institution) ;
  • the participant’s status (student, employed, between jobs) and whether they have a means of support - to offer a discount for students and a fee waiver for those without support.

This billing-relevant information above is erased within 6 weeks of the course end.

Information to assess the impact of our course

To obtain statistics about the impact of our courses we also request:

- a participant’s institution (employing university, laboratory, institute or company) enabling the organisers to create statistics to assess the reach of the course(s) offered

  • the CERN experiment or project of a participant, if any,
  • the field in which they are applying Geant4,
  • the country of their institution,
  • current level experience with Geant4 (number of projects or years used),
  • topics of particular interest.

We retain the individual information for 12 weeks, to assemble these statistics. After this the individual information is deleted.

Audio and Video Recording 

The course lectures will be recorded.  Participants who pose questions either in person or online may have their voice and image recorded.  These recordings will be made available publically and kept for 5 years.  If you wish not to be featured, please use the written means provided (Mattermost) to submit your questions.

Other needs

Information about particular needs of a course participant are requested to attempt to aid in the delivery of the course, and are erased 2 weeks after the course has ended.

Access to information

The course organisers have access to all this information (except the audio/video recordings) for the purpose of organising this course.  The Indico site maintainers have access to this information in order to enable the maintenance of this site.

Version 0.2,  20 August 2024, 12:00