COMETA Colloquium: Christophe Grojean

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This event is organised by the COMETA COST Action, a EU-funded networking initiative that promotes knowledge sharing and cooperation across the theory, experiment, and ML communities, with the aim of improving the measurement and interpretation of multiboson processes at the LHC.


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      SM and BSM bosons at the Future Circular Collider

      The Future Circular Collider program is profiling itself as the next big challenge taken up by CERN. This ambitious program would be a unique opportunity to fuel the field of high-energy physics for several decades to come. Be it for testing the standard model predictions with unprecedented precision or to search for new particles, this machine is being designed with versatility and diversity at the heart of its multi-stage program. This presentation will aim at providing a snapshot at the current state of affairs. Emphasis will be given on the physics case and the new opportunities to learn more about the SM bosons and to discover BSM bosons.

      Speaker: Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg), Humboldt University (Berlin) and CERN)