The production of electroweak gauge bosons (V = W, Z) in association with heavy flavor (HF) quarks (b/c) serves as a crucial probe for various key physics aspects at the LHC: perturbative QCD (pQCD), HF content of the proton PDF, and non-pQCD phenomena such as the fragmentation function of HF quarks. Furthermore, V+HF modeling is a limiting factor in many searches for new physics phenomena and precision measurements. Progresses in jet flavour tagging techniques, as well as calculations and measurements with identified hadrons in the final state, are thus of paramount importance. We will review the experimental techniques used to measure the V+HF process at the LHC and discuss the theoretical challenges in modeling this process.
Simone Caletti (TH)
Simone Caletti received a PhD from Università degli Studi di Genova, where he worked on Jet Substructure. In particular, he contributed to resummed calculations and to the development of new flavour algorithms for jet tagging. After a period as a visiting PhD student at Nikhef in Amsterdam, he is currently postdoc at ETH Zurich working on processes with identified hadrons in the final-state in the antenna subtraction formalism, for the NNLOJET collaboration.
Miha Muskinja (ATLAS)
Miha Muskinja received a PhD from the University of Ljubljana, where he searched for New Physics processes using same-charge lepton pairs in ATLAS. As a postdoc at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. in Berkeley, he was the analysis coordinator of the ATLAS 13 TeV W+D(*) measurement and worked on background modeling in the VH(bb/cc) measurement. Currently, he is an assistant professor at University of Ljubljana, focusing on V+HF precision measurements and continuing the H(bb/cc) measurements. Additionally, he serves as one of the SM W/Z group coordinators in the ATLAS experiment and previously held the role of the W/Z physics modeling group coordination.