Present: Fern Pannell, Stefano Mazzoni, Edda Gschwendner, John Farmer, Collette Pakuza, Marlene Turner, Matthew Wing, David Cooke
Follow up:
- The tables/values for the magnet settings for different plasma lengths/ uncertainty bounds will be ready before the start of the next Run. Comment: MT, it would be great if you could share them so that we can have a look before to understand dependencies and scalings. To do: DC to share the information. FP to put tables of camera pixel to energy / new camera position with beam position on the screen on the wiki.
- BG subtraction on the new spectrometer GUI still needs to be checked. To do: FP, DC on the first day of the next run.
- New GUI: Great progress, To do: FP to improve BG subtraction and combine the profile
- To do: FP, DC to present agreement of e-beam ICT and spectrometer measurements during the next meeting.
- CLEAR: analysis also progressing. To do: DC to present at a future meeting
Run 2c design --> Discussion initiated by MT, now becoming urgent with approval of Run 2c and limited timeline
- SM: butterfly still best known method. Tests on synchrotron radiation were presented in yesterdays BI meeting
- To do: Follow up with Joe and a presentation in PEB showing feasibility for expected AWAKE parameters, if positive, include window in the design of the Run 2c spectrometer and present preliminary options in TB
- MW: what is the status on the betatron radiation emittance diagnostics?
- JF: physics case not yet complete. Still needs to be validated that it could work
- To do (all): check for results in Barney's Thesis
- To proceed on the Run 2c design:
- Define specifications. To do: MT to collect information
- Next step: Discuss design options, validate design
FP presentation:
- Camera array and new spec camera complete
- To do: follow up on possible saving issue in the .h5 files for CAMs: 5-7, possibly ROI cameras
- To do: share instructions on how to use new camera including tables on the wiki
- To do: understand why beam appear split on the old spectrometer camera. Hypothesis: fire window. SM suggest installation of test target
- Waterfall plot in progress, first version runs smoothly
- Possibly a discrepancy in energy calibration between old/new cameras at the very high energy end (low dispersion) of the screen. To do: FP to investigate and estimate uncertainties.
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