Same-sign WW (WZ) [ATLAS, theory]
,Abstract: Vector-boson scattering (VBS) plays a central role in exploring the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking at the LHC. Precise measurements of VBS enable critical tests of perturbative unitarity, the extraction of gauge boson longitudinal polarization, and the potential to constrain scenarios involving new physics. This presentation provides an overview of VBS from both theoretical and experimental standpoints, detailing the current status of VBS research using the same-sign WW and WZ final states. Future prospects for advancing our understanding of particle physics through VBS studies are discussed.
Mathieu Pellen got his PhD in 2015 at the RWTH Aachen University (Germany). After stays in Wuerzburg (Germany) and Cambridge (UK), he is currently located at the University of Freiburg (Germany). His research mainly focuses on higher-order corrections for LHC processes, including vector-boson scattering. From 2017 to 2021, he was theory convener of the VBSCan COST network and is currently theory convener of the VBF subgroup of the Higgs cross-section working group.
Oleg Kuprash received his PhD in 2014 at DESY and University of Hamburg. After that he stayed for three years at the Tel Aviv University, where he joined the ATLAS experiment. Currently he is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Freiburg. The focus of Oleg's research is measurement of the multiboson production using the ATLAS detector. Oleg was the analysis contact of the VBS same-sign WW measurement using the full Run-2 LHC dataset. Currently Oleg is a coordinator of the ATLAS Trigger Core Software and continues studying the same-sign WW production with longitudinally polarized W bosons.