Annual meeting of the German LHCb groups and affiliated theory community (ex FSP-meeting).
The event is primarily in person. A zoom link will be available for the PI meeting.
Organizers of Scientific Program:
- Quentin Fuehring (Dortmund)
- Stephie Hansmann-Menzemer (Heidelberg)
- Christoph Langenbruch (Heidelberg)
- Serena Maccolini (Dortmund)
- Biljana Mitreska (Dortmund)
- Mikhail Mikhasenko (Bochum)
- Marian Stahl (Bochum)
- Giulia Tuci (Heidelberg)
Click here to email all
Local organizers:
- Daniela Klobes (Bochum)
- Mikhail Mikhasenko (Bochum)
- Claudius Schnier (Bochum)