ET Science
Prof. Dr. Achim Stahl
RWTH Aachen University, III. Physical Institute B -
Power Spectral Density
Prof. Dr. Karsten Danzmann
Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Gravitationsphysik) and
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)• Fourier transform
• Cross correlation , convolution
• Auto correlation
• Power spectrum, PSD
• One‐sided linear spectral density
• Convergence Periodogram to PSD, averaging
• Spectrum Analyser, FFT Analyser -
Prof. Dr. Florian Wagner
RWTH Aachen University, Geophysical Imaging and Monitoring Teaching and Research UnitNils Chudalla, M.Sc.
RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Computational Geoscience, Geothermics and Reservoir Geophysics• Earth activity including seismology
Seismic Isolation Theory and Practice
Nathan Holland
• Seismic isolation with pendulum
• Introduction of seismic attenuation system used in GW detectors -
IceCube Observatory
Prof. Dr. Christopher Wiebusch
RWTH Aachen University, III. Physical Insitute B, Experimental Physics Teaching and Research Area• Introduction and overview
Quantum Gravimetry
Dr. Dorothee Tell
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Quantenoptik• Gravity sensing with cold atoms
• Concepts
• Visions
• Very Long Baselines -
ET Pathfinder
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hild
Maastricht University, Faculty of Science and Engineering• Introduction and Overview
Thermal Noise
Dr. Alex Amato
Ass. Prof. Jessica Steinlechner• Fluctuation – Dissipation Theorem
• Viscous damping
• Brownian noise
• Thermo‐elastic noise
• Thermo‐refractive noise
• Coating noise
• Suspension noise
• Cooling and Cryogenics -
Test of Fundamental Physics
Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl
ZARM, University of Bremen• Galileo satellites, clocks, gravitational redshift and further clock effects
• GNSS clock and orbit products
• Standard relativistic corrections in GNSS
• Refinement of relativistic corrections
• Testing relativity with Galileo satellites -
Squeezed Laser Source
Apl.Prof.Dr. Benno Willke
Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Gravitationsphysik) and
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)• Quasi‐probabilities
• Squeezing and displacement operators
• Minimum uncertainty states
• Squeezing by non‐linear processes
• Measurements with squeezed states
• Turning of squeezing ellipse -
Gravitational waves in other frequency bands
Dr. Huanchen Hu
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie• LISA
• Pulser timing arrays
• Experimental approaches to the gaps -
Cosmology and the evolution of the universe
Prof. Dr. Julien Lesgourgues
RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology• What are the dark ages
• What created the reionization
• Structure formation and stochastic GW background
• Supernovae and GW -
Social Event
Vogelsang IP International Place
Eifel National Park• 16:00 Start from the hotel
• 16:30 Arrival at the Vogelsang
• 17:00 Tour of Vogelsang
• 20:00 Return to hotel and BBQ dinner
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