FLEX/BareModule Reception QC discussion

Building3-325 + Zoom

Building3-325 + Zoom

Yoichi Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Yu Nakahama Higuchi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
  • Schedule update
    • Global schedule
      • 7/1-- Launch "Our shift system" for Fuji B4.
      • 7/16-- Launch Bare PCB QC for production in our current estimate - fingers-crossed.
    • Two task lines for the weeks of 7/1 and 7/8.
      (1) Reception QC line: Populated PCB QC after HV/LV-setup fix (to be assembled with ITkPixv2)
      (2) V2 module assembly QC and R&D line: ITkPixv2-related QC after PC fix (for core column issue)

  • Shift update accordingly
    • For the weeks of 7/1 and 7/8: As scheduled for Mon-Wed. If the existing components are all tested, may cancel shifts for Thu-Fri.
    • From the week of 7/16: Further updates to be informed by 7/8 at latest. 
    • Details in the shift table 


  • Items to be sorted out before production
    • Items in red needs immediate actions 
    • Items in orange should be addressed next week 
    • Initial list with our actions & priorities in the spreadsheet. More to be added via further rehearsal by several people from next week.


  • Metrology machine scan speed up in BM QC
    • Initial implementation already done by Sugawara san -> BM Flatness+height 38->16min.
    • Mitigation proposals were presented by Aoki san, also considering which variables are stored in DB.  
    • Some of the proposals will be tried next week, while keeping the necessary presicions.
  • HV/LV automation
    • Ikegami san already established window-based system with several updates e.g. catch the connection error first and apply HV/LV automatically.
    • Kumayama will address to update the output-line format in result csv file.

  • Next meeting next week or maybe in two weeks


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1

      Goal: Establish the procedure and tools of each QC step of FLEX/BareModule Reception --> Mostly done! Congratulations!
      Next goal: Commission Fuji QC effort as shifts and run it sustainably to meet the assembly schedule.

      New items at this meeting:
      --- Production schedule update (Nakamura)
      --- Shift confirmation (including partial cancellation) for July and August (Nakahama, Ikegami)
      --- 量産QCに向けて、足りていない部分の確認、気になることの頭出し (all)
      Initial list by Nakahama & Ikegami. Please add your inputs if you have in mind

      Follow up items from the previous meeting:
      --- Confirmation on data upload readiness for v2 modules
      --> Mostly ready
      --- Upload old QC test results to LocalDB?
      o v1.1 10 + v2 6 and 10 additional modules as IV failure in prepro replacements
      o 130 preproduction
      Either use script for data upload or web interface?

      --- Re-review of time reduction of Fuji QC menu (Ikegami (LV/HV), Sugawara & Nakamura (metrology, IV), ...)  
      --> Thanks all for the efforts!
      (最新実測metro) BM 35min, PCB Reception 29min, PCB Population 14min (設置時間抜き) 2024/06/21
      QC全部で、BMは60min, PCB receptionとpopulationはそれぞれ 30min

      Please write down the update either in the slides or minutes for record.

    • 2
      Reception QC status (to be updated)
      • 10 PCB sheets and bare modules for assembly: in progress
        reception QC
        PCB done, bare modules done except for IV (7 sheets done).

      • 16 more PCB sheets: to be delivered next week
        reception QC (experts, record)

      • 42 PCB sheets:
        population QC (3 in a hurry, the rest in May (before production) - to do) (shift, record)
        reception QC-data upload (to prod & localDB) (shift, record)

      • production PCB sheets
        not yet (in June)

      • 140 PrePro sheets:
        QC data upload

      => To do as shifts: Upload for 10 bare module + 10 bare flex + 42 populated flex

      Speakers: Koji Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Yoichi Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
    • 3
      QC menu time consideration
      Speakers: Koji Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Rina Sugawara, Yoichi Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Yu Nakahama Higuchi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))


      • height→来週測定点調整+解析結果比較して改善させる
      • back sizeいらない、なくす
      • front heightなくしてsize少し増やす?
      • front flatness求められてないけど、frontとれるのはBMだけだから欲しい


    • 4
      Result-upload readiness for v2 modules (& possible hands-on)
      Speaker: Koji Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
    • 5
      Shift model
      Speakers: Yoichi Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Yu Nakahama Higuchi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
    • 6
      Speakers: Mikan Aoki (Ochanomizu University (JP)), Takanori Kono (Ochanomizu University (JP))
    • 7
      3.1 & 3.4 Visual inspection of bare & populated flexes
      Speaker: Louis Vaslin (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
    • 8
      3.2Layer thickness measurement
      Speakers: Koji Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Takumi Kumayama (University of Tsukuba (JP))
    • 9
      Speakers: Koji Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)), Louis Vaslin (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
    • 10
      3.5LV/HV test
      Speaker: Takumi Kumayama (University of Tsukuba (JP))
    • 11
      3.6Shipping / Packaging
      Speaker: Yoichi Ikegami (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
    • 12
      Next step (all)