The migration of LEP data to the common event data model EDM4HEP, developed for future collider physics studies and used for FCC physics potential studies, is crucial for several reasons. First, it helps data preservation by ensuring the data remains accessible for future physics analyses. Additionally, it serves as a critical test of EDM4HEP, as this will be the first time the format is...
Since a long time the importance of CERNLIB for the preservation
of pre-LHC experiments was discussed. As a result of this discussion,
in 2022, a community effort was started with the aim to consolidate
various bugfixes, improvements, 3rd party forks and to port CERNLIB
to modern architectures. This activity resulted in a revived version
The presented version is based on...
During the last work shop in June 2021, issues and threads for preserving LEP data have been discussed. In the case of DELPHI, several threads have
been addressed since then: a working port of CERNLIB to decent 64bit based
operating systems, a dependency on a commercial 3d package for the DELPHI
event display, and a restrictive data access policy, preventing DELPHI from opening the data and...
The event displays of DELPHI and OPAL were built on top of a commercial and
closed source PHIGS implementation. When the company providing the toolkit
seased to exist, and the existing binaries stopped working on recent operating
systems, these tools were essentially given up.
In this presentation, we will show how we managed to revive the event displays
nevertheless, based on an open...
The data of the ZEUS experiment at HERA and their usage have been converted to "preservation mode" in 2012, and new physics results have continuously been published from these data since then. A brief update will be given on the latest status of results, data and software access (e.g. switch to linux9), other related issues, and future plans.
The JADE experiment was located at DESY in Hamburg and collected data in $e^+e^-$ collisions in the PETRA storage ring from 1979 to 1986 with a center-of-mass energy between 12 and 46.6 GeV. Most notably the JADE collaboration was responsible for the (co-)discovery of the gluon as well as establishing jet-physics and testing of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
Preservation of the unique JADE...
The PHENIX Collaboration has actively pursued a Data and Analysis Preservation program since 2019, the first such dedicated effort at RHIC. We successfully leveraged the Zenodo platform at CERN for knowledge management purposes, and the HEPData portal to reliably preserve the vast majority of all numerical data used in PHENIX publications. A particularly challenging endeavor is preservation of...
BaBar's support at SLAC ended at the beginning of 2021. However, since the collaboration is still active, it is needed to be able to start new analyses. The presentation reports on the status of the preservation of BaBar's data and the ability to do new analyses. Issues that came up as well as issues that the effort may face in the near future will be detailed.
The data from the Belle experiment, which finished collecting data in 2010, was passed on to its successor, the Belle II experiment. The Belle II experiment is currently accumulating data, but the Belle data will be used only by Belle II collaborators, at least until the amount of data exceeds that of the Belle experiment.
To continue the analysis using the Belle data, the Belle II...
BESIII is an experiment running on the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider II (BEPCII), with plans to continue operations until 2030. While BESIII had made some preliminary studies for long-term data preservation and applications, it recently decided to adopt the level 4 model of the DPHEP. A working group, consisting of members from the BESIII collaboration and the Computing Center at the...
The status of data preservation in the ALICE collaboration will be presented, focusing on efforts to preserve Runs 1 and 2 data using the new data format and software framework developed for Run 3 and 4 under the ALICE O2 project. The conversion of old AOD and ESD formats to the new AO2D format significantly reduces data size and introduces a flat data model optimized for fast I/O....
This year, ATLAS released Open Data for Research for the first time, providing all 2015 and 2016 proton–proton collisions to the public for scientific use. These data join the myriad bespoke datasets that have been released for specific purposes, including fast calorimeter simulation training, top quark jet tagging, Standard Model measurements in final states with a Z boson, and BSM searches....
The LHCb experiment offers an excellent environment to study a broad variety of modern physics topics. The data recorded by LHCb from the major physics campaigns (Run 1 and 2) at the LHC has accumulated over 600 scientific publications, making it increasingly important to preserve analysis workflows to facilitate both reusability and reinterpretation of the results. LHCb encourages...
ICFA Data Lifecycle Panel is a follow-up of the DPHEP (and other initiatives) within ICFA. DPHEP will continue as a Collaboration and we take this occasion to discuss sharing the tasks and communicating between these two entities.
We will go through the input collected in the [survey][1] and prepare the first step in developing a comprehensive set of recommendations and best practices that...