Road safety campaigns

6/2-004 (CERN)



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Michael Davis
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    • 15:00 16:00
      Informal chat about road safety communications 1h

      Road safety is a complex issue at CERN. Roads are shared between different modes of transport and there are many factors that affect safety. This meeting is an informal chat with representatives from HSE and SCE, to think together about how we can improve the effectiveness of our road safety communications at CERN.

      How to increase empathy?

      CERN Road Accident Statistics 2021-2023

      • 236 incidents reported, of which 120 (51%) involved a bicycle.

      120 bicycle incidents reported on the CERN sites in a three-year period

      • 9 (8%) were due to non-respect of road safety rules by the cyclist
      • 19 (16%) were due to the state of roads / cycle paths or weather related aspects
      • 35 (29%) were due to loss of balance or falls without involvement of a third party
      • 57 (48%) were due to non-respect of priority by a third party (not the cyclist)