Jun 1 – 27, 2025
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contact: Guy CONSOLMAGNO, S.J. (Director)

How to apply

All applications have to be submitted through the Indico system by 31 October 2024 here:



Unless an Indico session is already open (in which case you will be able to directly fill the application form) you will first be asked to log-in to Indico.


1. Go to "Login"



2. Login as “External email - Guest access” (OR you can use eduGAIN, if that works for your institution):


3. Go to "New user? Register"  (or insert name and password if you are already registered to Indico)


4. Once you are registered and logged in to indico you can fill in the application form for the Vatican Observatory Summer School 2025 here:



Fill in the form with the requested information:

1 - Personal Data

2 - Year and stage of academic studies

3 - Reasons for wishing to attend this School

4 - Financial support

5 – Recomendation

The names and addresses, including email address, of two persons whom you have asked to send a recommendation on your behalf: Please request these two persons to send their recommendations by email (school@specola.va) as soon as possible (by 31 Oct 2024).

6 - College or University transcript

Upload college/university transcripts (or equivalent documentation) listing grades of all college level courses attended to date.