2–6 Dec 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Defect investigation in irradiated ATLAS18 ITk Strip Sensors using transient spectroscopy techniques

4 Dec 2024, 10:00
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
WG3 Radiation Damage - Extreme Fluence WG3 - Radiation Damage


Christoph Thomas Klein (Carleton University (CA))


With the upgrade of the LHC to the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the Inner Detector will be replaced with the new all-silicon ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) to maintain tracking performance in a high-occupancy environment and to cope with the increase in the integrated radiation dose.
Comprising an active area of 165m$^2$, the outer four layers in the barrel and six disks in the endcap region will host strip modules, built with single-sided micro-strip sensors and glued-on hybrids carrying the front-end electronics necessary for readout. Before being shipped out for module building, the ATLAS18 main sensors were tested at different institutes in the collaboration for mechanical and electrical compliance with technical specifications, the quality control (QC), while technological parameters were verified on test structures from the same wafers before and after irradiation, the quality assurance (QA).
As a part of ongoing studies in parallel to ITk Strip Sensor Production quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA), diodes fabricated as test structures were measured using variants of Deep-Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS). Irradiated diode samples were investigated with Current-DLTS, using both electrical and photo-induced injection. Utilising DLTS spectra, trap energy levels, and cross-sections associated with defects in the devices were obtained. This was done to improve the precision of TCAD models as part of the simulation pipeline developed for the ITk Strip Digitization Model, as well as to compile a more complete model of radiation damage in ITk Strip Sensors. For those reasons, this talk will present a summary of the defect parameters observed in the samples and will compare results obtained for diode samples with radiation damage from different irradiation sources at various fluences.

Type of presentation (in-person/online) online presentation (zoom)
Type of presentation (I. scientific results or II. project proposal) I. Presentation on scientific results


Christoph Thomas Klein (Carleton University (CA))


Jeff Dandoy (Carleton University (CA)) Callan Jessiman (Carleton University (CA)) John Stakely Keller (Carleton University (CA)) Thomas Koffas (Carleton University (CA)) Ezekiel Staats (Carleton University (CA)) Yuzhan Zhao (Carleton University (CA))

Presentation materials