2–6 Dec 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

TCAD + AllPix2 pipeline for the ATLAS ITk-Strip Digitization Model

4 Dec 2024, 16:40
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
WG4 - Simulations WG4 - Simulation


Jeff Dandoy (Carleton University (CA))


The ATLAS ITk-Strip detector is a planned tracker upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC which utilizes n+-in-p silicon sensors fabricated by Hamamatsu Photonics with 300 μm signal-generation thickness and approximately 75 μm strip pitch. The sensors must withstand severe irradiation over their operational lifetimes, corresponding to fluences of up to 1.6x10$^{16}$ 1-MeV neq/cm$^2$, with consequences on the charge collection efficiency. To achieve a precise understanding of the expected performance and Monte Carlo simulations with realistic tracking performance, TCAD models of irradiation effects on internal electric fields are developed and coupled with AllPix2 simulations of ionization-charge propagation through the sensors. A software pipeline has been created that automatically configures & connects simulations for several intermediary fluence estimates, translates per-fluence models to detector-wide per-luminosity models using GEANT4 predictions, and parameterizes the dependence of the charged collection efficiency on charge deposition depth for faster simulations in the ATLAS Athena reconstruction framework.

Type of presentation (in-person/online) online presentation (zoom)
Type of presentation (I. scientific results or II. project proposal) I. Presentation on scientific results


Callan Jessiman (Carleton University (CA)) Christoph Thomas Klein (Carleton University (CA)) Ezekiel Staats (Carleton University (CA)) Jeff Dandoy (Carleton University (CA)) John Stakely Keller (Carleton University (CA)) Thomas Koffas (Carleton University (CA)) Yuzhan Zhao (Carleton University (CA))

Presentation materials